Thursday, March 5, 2009

My day thus far:

By Meiko
see related
I had the weirdest dream last night.

I was walking along Shields St. to get to my apartment. But it was like a mixture of Shileds and Kipling back home. Basically where the University was supposed to be it was the old Fun Plex.

Somebody kept calling me on my cell phone over and over again and saying they were at Blockbuster, and for some reason I got the feeling that it was someone very important to me. But everytime I tried to respond they just blasted Rihanna through the phone.

This weird cat started following us (there was somebody with me now, but I'm not sure who it was). The cat was brown and it's spinal cord seemed like it was protruding an abnormal amount from its back. Sort of like a dragon or something.

A rabid dragon cat.

So we keep walking, and this rabid cat is following us, and the phone keeps ringing, and I keep answering, Rihanna.

Then we turn around, the cat attacks, my friend is yelling "A snake! A snake!"

Suddenly the cat stops, stands back, and my friend says "Mommy will teach you how to sing."

She begins to move her hands like a conductor, the cat folds his paws in front of him like an opera soprano, the phone rings, and the cat begins to sing along with Rihanna.


I wake up and think: I wish I could have talked to whoever was on the phone. And then I start to wonder if the cat was really rabid or not.

I look at the clock. 10:07.

Class starts at 8:00.

Work starts at 10:00.

Three seconds later, my phone rings.

"Hey it's Allison from work."

"Yeah, I'm on my way."

I keep expecting Rihanna to blare through the headset, but it doesn't.

And I think: "Life is much more interesting in a dream."