Sunday, November 6, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Currently Listening Interventions and Lullabies By The Format see related |
So today we realized that the girl's bible study is called the comfort zone, and the guys bible study is just the zone. There's no comfort here. You got a problem? FIX IT YOURSELF!
So thus, the name has been changed
to Fight Club.
(1st rule: no fighting)
Youth group was good tonight. Mike is cool. Um.... Kayla looks good in a sweater.
Speaking of sweaters, I got a new one yesterday, and it's really nice.
Play coming up. You all should go. Comment for more info?
Band practice tomorrow.
Youth group lock-in on the 29th. You all should go. Comment for more info?
Boy scout lock-in on Nov. 12. You all should...... o wait.... nevermind.
ok bye!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Currently Listening Rushmore: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack By Various Artists see related |
11:00 AM
St. James Presbyterian Church
Bellview and Lowell
My Eagle ceremony
be there.
(I dare you)
Also, my birthday is in 9 days!
(I really want a keytar, like this one)
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Currently Listening The Wedding Singer Volume 2: More Music From The Motion Picture By Various Artists see related |
yay homecoming! Isn't she gorgeous. (Parents, this is why so many cameras is a bad thing, nobody looks the same way!)
Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Currently Listening Interventions and Lullabies By The Format see related |
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
Monday, August 22, 2005
Currently Listening Hello, Good Friend By The Rocket Summer see related |
nothing like bottle rockets to ring in the new school year.
AP English homework = done.
Time = 10:52
Free time to juggle = 8 minutes
You people who said I couldn't do it owe me 8 bucks.
ok bye!
-the jimbo
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Currently Listening Calendar Days By The Rocket Summer see related |
Please try again later.
That's real encouraging....
Currently Listening Parachute By Guster see related |
Question of the day:
Am I completely fished?
Monday, August 15, 2005
Currently Listening Jumper By Third Eye Blind see related |
2nd - Math Analysis/Trig - Tadlock
3rd - Spanish 3 - Killion
4th - Drawing 1 - Gagnard
5th - AP Physics - Swanson
6th - Honors World History - Kritzer
7th - Off
Friday, August 12, 2005
Currently Listening Safety Dance UK Remix By Men Without Hats see related |
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Friday, August 5, 2005
Currently Listening History for Sale By Blue October see related |
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Currently Listening Such Great Heights By The Postal Service see related |
Kayla is my favorite person ever!
Monday, July 18, 2005
Currently Reading Great Expectations (Penguin Classics) By Charles Dickens, Charlotte Mitchell see related |
I guess I'm just different.
Saturday, July 9, 2005
Currently Listening Drake & Josh: Songs from and Inspired by Hit TV Show By Original Soundtrack see related |
Saturday, July 2, 2005
Currently Listening Garden State By Various Artists Such Great Heights see related |
Times are going good. I love life.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Currently Watching The Princess Bride By Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, Robin Wright Penn see related |
I have a new room!
Monday, June 13, 2005
Currently Playing The Best of Cutting Crew [2004] By Cutting Crew see related |
Ooh, I just died in your arms tonight....
Saturday, June 4, 2005
Currently Reading Great Expectations (Penguin Classics) By Charles Dickens, Charlotte Mitchell see related |
Prayers for the Whites.
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Currently Playing Such Great Heights By The Postal Service see related |
today was GREAT
happy aniversary Kayla
Monday, May 23, 2005
Currently Playing Hello, Good Friend By The Rocket Summer see related |
Thank God for coupons...
ok bye!
get well soon Kayla.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Currently Playing Keasbey Nights By Catch 22 see related |
I get the feeling that I'm missing something.
Random day on Tuesday!
Thursday, May 12, 2005
whenever I act depressed I get like 6 comments! You all just got punk'd!
meanwhile, you all should listen to the song "cheer up emo kid" by Patent Pending.
ok bye!
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Currently Reading As I Lay Dying (Vintage International) By WILLIAM FAULKNER see related |
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm gonna go eat worms...
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Sunday, May 8, 2005
Currently Playing Give Up By The Postal Service see related |
so Alice is over, and the feelings are so bitter sweet.
To all of you drama seniors:
you have all changed my life so much. I feel privileged to have even known you. You are all such amazing people
I love you all, and I'm going to miss you so much.
Happy mother's day! thanks mommy, for everything you do!
ok bye!
Sunday, May 1, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
Currently Playing The End Is Here By Five Iron Frenzy see related |
that's right, it's been one month and one day. I would have posted about the aniversary yesterday, but that's what Streblo would have expected. Damn you Streblo!
but seriously, I've been going out with Kayla for a month, and I couldn't be happier. and I can't think of a better way to make the month official than with otter pops. Happy Aniversary Kayla!
ok bye!
P.S. The hat for my Alice in Wonderland costume looks like a butt. but at least I get to wear my chucks...
P.P.S. Kayla and Dart moved all the furniture in my room today, and I really like it pretty well.
Quote of the day:
"why are you dressed like a retard?" -sam's sister
it might seem funny to you, but the last time she said that to me, I was wearing a pirate costume and screaming at a pavilion in the park.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Currently Playing Aquarium By Aqua see related |
Quote of the day: "you can drive my zamboni any time." -Teddy
"3 balls, 1 hand, all me." -dart
ok bye!
Sunday, April 24, 2005
I call it:
Of Mice and Manichaeism
Although the two main characters in Of Mice and Men have such a strong, brotherly bond, their opposing differences will eventually cause one to overcome the other. The dream of the farm which Lennie and George form, from the beginning of their friendship, cannot be accomplished while these differences exist. Lennie is a weight which is constantly pulling George down. If Lennie cannot control himself, the dream will never be reached. Thus, one of the two characters must die in order for the dream to come true. They are a pleasure to each other but, “our pleasures often oppose and thwart our schemes” (Fontenrose 1). Lennie and George cannot coexist in this perfect dream. Leo Gurko writes, “Lennie and George are fated by their very natures to be joined in extraordinary intimacy and irreconcilable hostility”, “one compelled to slay the other” (2). They are too different. One is dark and the other is light; the shades have to be separated. This belief in separation is similar to a third century religion called Manichaeism.
Manichaeism is so deeply buried in the human psyche that few people would ever notice its presence in Steinbeck’s writing. Manichaeism originated in third century
The Prince of Darkness then created the first human beings, Adam and Eve, through a complicated round of copulation and cannibalism. Though sired by Darkness, man still had particles of light imprisoned in his brain from Satan's contact with the aeon "Primitive Man". (“Manichaean Gnosticism…” 2)
DISCovering World History continues; stating that Manicheans also believe Jesus, Buddha, Manichaeus, and the prophets, were sent to earth in order to release the light from within man. (2). In order to get the imprisoned light out of the surviving Archons, God sent a Messenger out of pity, to seduce the Archons. The light which left the male Archons became trees, and the light which left female Archons became animals. This is why Manicheans believe violence towards any plant or animal containing light particles was a great sin. Sex, killing, eating meat, and drinking wine is strictly forbidden. In order for peace to return to the universe, the fragments of light and dark must be separated. Manichaeus said that after the Last Judgement, the earth would burn for over a thousand years. “By that time the last light particles would have been reunited with the light world, the material world would have ended, and light and darkness would be eternally separated” (“Manichaean Gnosticism…” 3).
The main Manichean element is made up of two equal polarities, one light and one dark; represented by George and Lennie. These two characters are locked together despite the fact that they have nothing in common except their dream of the farm. George is described as “small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp strong features”, and Lennie is “a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily” (Steinbeck 2). Steinbeck is describing two men who are opposite in completely every sense. Leo Gurko states “these deliberate polarities strain our belief in them as individual figures, but are absolutely necessary to establish them as reigning forces in the Manichean struggle for the world” (1). Since the characters are so different, it seems as if when put together they would make up one whole unit; each one representing a side. Yet, they are destined by their natures to eventually tear apart. Both characters are godlike because they hold the life of others in their hands. Lennie kills many creatures unknowingly, and George is forced to kill Lennie “consciously and calculatingly” (Gurko 1).
Lennie represents the dark side of Steinbeck’s mini-Manichean universe. His energies are all focused in a sexual, physical realm; similar to most creatures of darkness. Manicheans believed that sex was a sin, as it would cause the light which was imprisoned within people to be lost. Lennie’s whole personality is based on physicality. Leo Gurko states that Lennie is a “mindless, overwhelming force” who “kills everything he touches.” “As a force, he draws no distinction between life and death. He extracts as much pleasure in stroking a dead mouse as a live one” (1). Since darkness is the driving force behind Lennie’s persona, he kills rabbits, mice, puppies, and Curley’s wife inadvertently and illogically. Creatures of darkness constantly drag down all other characters around them. Their main purpose is to consume others. Lennie is constantly dragging down and limiting George throughout the novel.
George is the good, godly side of the Manichean undertone of this story. He doesn’t have the same sexual temptations which Lennie does. When some of the men decide to go to a brothel, George refuses, as a righteous Manichean would. Also George always feels obligated to save Lennie from his downward spiral; very similarly to how the God, in the teachings of Manichaeus, felt pity for the Archons. “Lennie is [George’s] charge,” states Gurko, “but also an immense counterweight pulling him constantly toward destruction” (1). George’s need to find Lennie salvation is almost a religious mission. One critic writes that George Milton is put “by literary allusion near the godhead, above the subhuman creatures, able to judge whether they should live or die” (Spilka 1). George is similar to a missionary trying to give Lennie salvation. Yet, the dualities between Lennie and George make this impossible, which is why one must be defeated in the end. This is predicted in John Steinbeck’s Fiction Revisted, when the author mentions the “principal forces that are responsible for the ‘going under’ of one who refuses, in the words of Sir Henry Morgan, to ‘split’ before ‘civilization’” (French 72). If Lennie and George had not ‘split’ they would have gone under, and the dream of the farm would never be accomplished.
One way that the righteousness of these characters is represented is through the characters with whom they associate. “The dark, psychologically disturbed figures” (Gurko 2) are attracted by Lennie. These figures are: Candy, a one armed handyman; Curley, “a viscous stunted figure seeking to compensate for his lack of sexual potency”; Curley’s wife, a “sexual temptress” (2); and Crooks, a black man with a crooked back. Lennie’s friends are described by Curley’s wife as the “weak ones” (Steinbeck 77) that have been left behind. Through these friendships it is easy to see that darkness is already rejoining, and preparing to split away at the end of the novel. The only man in the book who is really drawn to George is Slim. He is described as a divine presence who:
moved with a majesty only achieved by royalty and master craftsmen… there was a gravity in his manner and a quiet so profound that all talk stopped when he spoke. His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics of love… His ear heard more than was said to him, and his slow speech had overtones not of thought, but of understanding beyond thought (Steinbeck 34).
Slim is an omnipresent force on the ranch. He is a symbol of goodness, righteousness, and beauty. He is “endowed with godlike attributes” (Gurko 2). This is why he is so drawn to George, the light side of this Manichean parable. Slim is the only character who realizes that the light and dark had to be separated, saying, “You hadda, George. I swear you hadda,” while the dark, disfigured characters simply continue their lives and ask, “Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin’ them two guys?” (Steinbeck 107).
Once the book has ended, light and dark have been separated permanently. Yet Steinbeck never informs the reader as to what happens after. The reader never learns whether or not George gets the ranch without Lennie. Through the Manichean belief system, one could even ask the question, “Did Lennie get the ranch, even in the separated darkness?” This thought brings a ray of hope into this otherwise tragic story. Perhaps, like the Archons, Lennie has been reborn in the trees and animals present in the grove at the beginning of the story. The optimistic reader can realize that Lennie is embodied in the
“willows fresh and green with every spring,… and sycamores with mottled, white, recumbent limbs and branches that arch over the pool” and the rabbits which “come out of the brush to sit on the sand in the evening … deer that come to drink in the dark” “the heron [which] pounded the air with its wings,” and “the little snake [which] slid in among the reeds at the pool’s side”
(Steinbeck 1 & 100).
I still don't think it's perfect though....
but my mom didn't bash it into the ground too bad, so.... I suppose it's ok.
Tell me what you think...
ok bye!
The Prince of Darkness then created the first human beings, Adam and Eve, through a complicated round of copulation and cannibalism.
(if you didn't read the essay, that's all you need to know)
Friday, April 22, 2005
Currently Playing Quantity Is Job 1 [EP] By Five Iron Frenzy see related |
So I have to go to school on Friday to make up the snow day from earlier last week. Gah!
Here's an essay. Not done yet. But tell me what you think. If you were Pruett, would you not burn it?
see newest post...
I still need like 2 more pages, but meh....
ok bye!?
quote o da day: "how fast can we eat BURNING HOT PIZZA!?!!!!!!!!!!"
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Currently Playing Final Straw By Snow Patrol see related |
and if you fail, well then you fail, but not to us...
Pretty good day today. Got the paper route done in 40 minutes. New record. (and the paper was really thick today) Set building was good. It's really coming along. I painted a lot. And I worked on a trap door. I also painted a saucer for a teacup. It looks pretty good. Things are coming together.
Today's top story...
Poor grandma...
Random old Mr. Miller quote:
"Hey, it's a warm fuzzy."
Current Mood:
ok bye!
and if I fail, well then I fail, but I gave it a shot...
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Currently Playing All Gas. No Brake. By Stellar Kart see related |
Here's a poem/story that Kayla and I wrote, line by line.
Once upon a time there was a man named Sam.
He was the biggest shpadoinkle in all of the land.
He came upon a small gray mutt.
The mutt's eyes shown like steel.
Little did Sam know, they were.
The mutt was beggin for a meal.
So Sam fed him, and fed him well,
and just like Pavlov, rang a bell.
But the mutt was a robot.
you can't feed a robot.
but sam didn't know, he couldn't tell.
Then the robot sent sam to hell.
just kidding, but just as well,
the dog stunned him with his laser eye cannons.
but sam still loved him with all his shenanigans.
I fact sam loved him a bit too much.
long story short, sam got bitten in the crotch.
and sam cried, he felt betrayed
by that little dog the color of an ash tray
This bite was worse than the laser vision,
Sam had just gotten a circumcision.
Current Mood:
Quote of the day:
"Once upon the old, white, shiny woman of Texas and her old, black, dull man was a very, very, very, ineffably large donkey statue. The donkey was heavy; very, very, very, ineffably heavy. It really was."
-Kayla and I (writting a story word by word)
Ok bye!
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Currently Playing Two Lefts Don't Make a Right.. But Three Do By Relient K see related |
I wonder what an isoceles love triangle would look like...
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Currently Playing Our Newest Album Ever! By Five Iron Frenzy see related |
making me an average Joe,
A lemming for the mediocre,
I was just a plain old joker status quo.
I guess since everybody else is doing it...
Ask me six questions. Any six, no matter how personal, private or random. I have to answer that honestly. In turn, you must post this message in your own journal.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Currently Playing B is for B-Sides By Less Than Jake see related |
Sometimes, I get so bored, that'll I'll go to every website I know. and just keep hitting refresh, eventhough I know nothing will happen. You can tell when I'm really bored because I'll do that on my own website.
i_fricken_rock: i'm so tired
i_fricken_rock: i don't even know what's going on
hockeyinjury5: yea, that's you and your drugs
i_fricken_rock: i ate some plant I dug up yesterday and now i'm growing the rest of it in my room, it tasted like a cherry
hockeyinjury5: well, we know it's not a raspberry...
I had a wonderful day today.
Saturday, April 9, 2005
Currently Playing The Spine By They Might Be Giants see related |
Drama nerd | | 75% | |
Prep/Jock/Cheerleader | | 44% | |
Stoner | | 31% | |
Punk/Rebel | | 31% | |
Loner | | 25% | |
Geek | | 25% | |
Ghetto gangsta | | 19% | |
Goth | | 13% |
You scored as drama nerd.
ok bye!
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Rocking out with you is so sweet. ok bye! -Jimbo |
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Currently Playing Halfway Between Here & There By RX Bandits see related |
they're not idle threats, they're real, for pretend.
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Currently Playing Dinosaur Sounds By Catch 22 see related |
so, I went back to the doctor the other day, for a follow-up check-up about the car accident. They took some more x rays. and I guess my hand is broken. The guys in the E.R. missed it because they only x rayed my wrist. So, now I have to wear a really dorky looking cast for the next for weeks. Gag me with a spoon.
Set building was good today, I actually got a lot done.
And the concert with Kayla last night was muy bueno as well.
Dinner, apple pie, and garden state tonight. Rad.
ok bye!
Monday, March 28, 2005
Currently Playing Our Endless Numbered Days By Iron & Wine see related |
and thus the end of THE BEST break ever...
only thing left to do is make some peanut butter and bannana sandwiches.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Currently Playing Garden State By Various Artists see related |
today was so very, very enjoyable...
yep, that about sums it up.
I'm so glad she feels the same way...
ok bye!
Currently Playing Interventions & Lullabies By Format see related |
music might be coming soon
[eventhough I fired it way back in the day]
ok bye!
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Currently Playing Interventions & Lullabies By Format see related |
I woke up
watched tv
went to lunch with Ashley and my brother and Ashley's mom. (enjoyable)(burritos are so good)
watched tv (what a horrible movie)
went and got coffee
watched Alien vs. Predator (decent)
came home from ft. collins.
went cruising throught denver while taking pictures (I might put some up)
wrote this.
might do more later.
ok bye!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Monday, March 21, 2005
Friday, March 18, 2005
Currently Playing Drunken Lullabies By Flogging Molly see related |
I really love green days, but I've got some darker colors that won't get out of the back of my mind. Some things seem jaded. "It's not easy being green?"
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Global Personality Test Results
Currently Playing Interventions & Lullabies By Format see related |
so... Yea, that's me...
look at that hypersensitivity. Wow.
(I really am like a friggin cat)
messy, outgoing, open, self revealing, ambivalent about chaos, unpredictable, not good at saving money, social, likes large parties, likes to stand out, risk taker, quick to make friends, does not like to be alone, rash, fame seeking, sarcastic, craves attention, social chameleon, low self control, food lover, not rule conscious, weird, assertive, not a perfectionist, anti-authority, thrill seeker, vain, likes to fit in, reckless, emotionally sensitive, leisurely, trusting
Some of those are wrong. I'm definatley a perfectionist and definatley not a food lover. I think I'm pretty rule conscious, and I'm not really anti-authority (except the dang DMV).
Monday, March 14, 2005
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Could Axe really work?
Currently Playing Interventions & Lullabies By Format see related |
Olfaction — basically, the sense of smell — is a major component of sex and attraction. The way someone smells can be a huge turn-on or turn-off. In fact, people who have lost their sense of smell often lose sexual desire. That smell chemistry is very important. Well, I'm sure there's plenty of ladies who like the Olfaction of old spice. Eh? Eh?
by they way, Charlie says he does that cont-f thing too. So I'm putting his name in so at least 1 person will read this. Hi Charlie!
So, Davy and I made it into Alice, as soldiers. So, I'm pretty happy. I'm glad I don't have a lot of lines. (if any, I'm not sure) I'm also propmaster, which I'm kinda nervous about. So yea. Lyndsae's going away party was last night was really fun, but it also sucked because it's a going away party. I'm going to miss her a lot. I still can't believe she's really leaving.
(Hey lyndsae, remember that time you were listening to my cds, and all the christian music depressed you, but regular ska didn't?) (hehe, yea)
ok bye!
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Currently Playing Absolutely (Story of a Girl) By Nine Days Yes this cd may be a bit emo, but um... it's got crazy techno keyboard, so SHUT UP!!!! see related |
Have you ever gone around to people's xangas, and you hit control-f to search for a word, and then you type your name in? If there's nothing about you, you don't read it? Well I don't read a lot of posts because my name isn't in them. So a lot of the time I miss stuff, because the post could be talking to me indirectly. Like "that weird kid with the goofy sideburns and annoying demeanor looked at me again today" and stuff. Anyway, just wondering if anybody else does that. Comment about it if you do. (or don't) (whatever)
wow, four comments about my axe post. (That's the most in a long time)
It must be because axe sucks so fricken darn much. Old Spice forever!
ok bye!
P.S. Call backs are so meh....