Saturday, February 14, 2004

Currently Playing
By Simple Plan
see related
- Perfect (wow this is depressing) - -

hi, I am getting really bad at this whole "don't forget to write for 6 days" thing. I would try to remember what I did the past couple of days, but that would hurt my brain, so I am not even going to attempt it. So, these are the major occurances that took place on those days that I have missed. In no particular order, just as I think of them. I can remember the quote of the day for at least two of the days because I actually wrote it down. So I think it was wednesday was: "Boy, that is a floppy dollar if I have ever seen one" or "GEORGE FORMAN, GEORGE FORMAN!" and thursday was "lindsay can't get me a fork, she has a crush on me."

Now I know you are all going to have questions on what those quotes mean. So here we go.

Story 1: Boy that is a floppy dollar if I have ever seen one.

Once upon a time, jimbo baggins was sitting at lunch. The kind next to him took a dollar out of his wallet. He then realized that it was very floppy. "Boy that is a floppy dollar if I have ever seen one," he said. "I concur." said jimbo. and they lived happily ever after.


One day, while sitting at lunch jimbo baggins and his friends were doing their homework. Ben had to list things that people have in their homes, and where they are made. We were all suggesting things that we had in our homes. I think grant wanted him to put down "george forman grill," but only got out "GEORGE FORMAN, GEORGE FORMAN!" while pointing rediculously.

Story 3: Lindsay can't get me a fork, she has a crush on me!

ok, this one actually has a story behind it. thursday was the last day of school before valentines day. The school senate was doing these orange crush thingies. Basically you pay 50 cents, and the senate will take some sort of super awesome lovey dovey sort of thing to your crush while they are in class. I wasn't really expecting one. and didn't get one. but during 2nd period, sam and I both found a can of sunkist on our desk. The sunkist had been written on with sharpie so it now said, sunkiss. came with a note that said:


Hey! What's up? Now, I know this isn't an orange crush. Don't be dissapointed because this is even better! It's a sun kiss!! Anyway we (yes there is more than one of us) just wanted to let you know that you are a totally cute, cool, amazing kid that's so much fun to hang out with. Well now that you know that be sure to ENJOY your sunkiss!

I thought that was pretty cool. Anyway, like I said, sam got one too. same handwriting on the note and everything. So, they were obviously from the same person/people. Anyway, I basically already knew who it was. But sam decided he was going to do some hardcore snooping. At lunch time his principal suspect was eva. then it switched to lindsay (lindsey?) She told him that it wasn't her. And then said what can I do to prove it to you? He said get me a fork. So all three girls at the table left to get forks. eva came back holding forks for all three of them. She put them on the table. "this one is for me, this one is for erin, and this one is for lindsay." Sam then exclaimed "No, Lindsay can't get me a fork cuz she has a crush on me!" So, that is the story behind that. I eventually did find out who sent the note, but I am not going to post it, cuz I am not sure if that would be embarrassing or not.

Anyway, Thursday I had a sore throat, but the sunkist helped. I had forgotten how good orange soda was. I also got some fun dip. and a valentine from schwartz. (for those of you who don't know, schwartz is my drama teacher.) I thought it was cool that she actually made valentines for all her students. That is alot of vtines. cuz she teaches english too! Went to sam's at about 9ish, and played medal of honor with sam, tyler, and davy until about 11ish. Then I went home and slept. and God saw that this was good, and there was morning and there was evening, the 4th day.

ok Friday.

No school today. President's day weekend. good old presidents. Don't ever say that they didn't do nothing for the peoples. So today, I was planning to go to a movie with clairissa. I was also planning to go to a play with the parentals, and band practice with ryan and tom.

Hey! guess what! Ever since I was little, I wanted to be in a band. Actually I didn't want to be in a band until like a year or two ago. but anywho. ryan and tom and I have formed a band. We are auditioning for the talent show on march 4th or 5th. I play bass guitar. This is quite funny considering I have never played bass guitar in my entire life. Maybe we will get a song with keyboard in there somewhere too. Then I could show my real expertise. But tom has taught me three bass guitar chords (that's more than many rockstars know) and now we have one whole song for memory. It is called "TheWayImightDo" by Tom. It is actually pretty good. Tom impressed me. so, if we make it into the talent show, you all have to come see us. Our band is named Sunday Morning Bru. I think we are going to be pretty good. We need to find a song with keyboard though, cuz that would be awesome. Cuz I feel like kind of a loser when I just strum on every fourth beat. Who can't do that? but it is still cool to be able to say "I'm with the band"

so, I called clairissa in the morning, and we realized that it was going to be extrememly hard to find a good time to go to the movie. She had to watch her little brother and sister until three and I had to go reherse with tom and ryan sometime. My mom was gone somewhere, so I had to keep talking to clairissa and then calling mom to confirm, and then calling clairissa to tell that mom disapproved, and then calling mom back with new plan, and then calling clairissa to tell her that that plan was shot down too. Eventually we decided that a movie wasn't going to workout. So, I invited her to come with the parentals and me to the play. "How to succeed in Business Without Really Trying" I had to call the ticket people like a bagillion times, but eventually got another ticket that was next to our season tickets. Thanks ticket people! The play was really good, and it was fun hanging out with clairissa. Mom warned me about how dating was bad for me, and I rememinded her that clairissa and I were just friends and she should really not freak out so much.

My mom told me that I should go to old ivy university. Actually her exact words were, "You would make a good groundhog." What in the heck does that mean? is it a compliment? I dunno. Very confused. I got girl scout cookies from Clairissa, yum.

So, while rehersing with tom and ryan, I fricken rocked. They both thought it was cool that I picked it up so fast, but I guess I am just brilliant. So we now have our first song memorized. We recorded it on tom's computer. Ryan took a seat off of a bicycle and put it on his drum chair. then put the drum chair top on tom's workout bike. Then it got stuck. We finally got it off. It was funny. We had pizza. quite good. Decided that maybe we should try and find another song to play at talent show. But it is hard to find stuff that you can play with only three people. (especially when the bass only has 5 hours of experience)

That was basically friday.

Quote for friday was "rip! rip! rip, those chipmunks off the field!" or "Jim would make a good ground hog." or "with kazzaa on, the recording sounds like crap. Excellent"

Saturday. Valentine's day. Bleech! I can't say that I felt lonley today, because I really don't want (or need) a girlfriend, so there is really no reason to feel bad. But the thought of everybody else out doing lovey dovey stuff while I was shoveling the patio/ sweeping the garage/ cleaning my room/ taking out the trash, was kinda annoying. But I'll get over it. Went to a movie with Sharon and Steve today. Miracle. It was good. Finally they have made a hockey movie that isn't a major disgrace. I am not saying I didn't enjoy the Mighty Ducks I, II, and III, but they were a little unbelievable. It was a good movie. I came home. Had dinner. dipped my steak in ranch dressing. Parents thought I was weird. Had never tried it. Looked good. Is good. plan on doing it again. dad told me how he used to put maple syrup on bacon. Have to try that sometime. Now my parents are watching some movie that they watched when they were first newlyweds or something. Bleech! Anyway, that was my vtines day. Sorry not more interesting.

Current Mood: confused (what is with all this valentine's day stuff?)

Current Mood of the rest of the world: lovey dovey

O, I forgot, I watched Rambo today. Thought I would get rid of all the love with some plotless action. Worked pretty well.

quote of the day : "I plan to find any and all of St. Valentine's kin and assassinate them" -Shannon

spanish word of the day: corazon (I think it means heart)

ok bye!


Oh! by the way. I found out something terrible. Once my premium trial runs out I won't be able to put up pictures. But not only that! All the pictures I have put up won't work! so look at them now while you can! pretty soon this daily blog will be total crap.

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