Currently Playing Losers, Kings, and Things We Don't Understand By Less Than Jake see related |
If I were a month, I'd be... a period of time, made up of roughly four weeks-If I were a day of the week, I'd be....Thursday, because you get to sleep in if you got to columbine.
-If I were a time of day, I'd be.....The crack of noon, because thats when I wake up
-If I were a sea animal, I'd be....underwater, and not using a computer
-If I were a direction, I'd be.... up
-If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be... a big red couch
-If I were a sin, I'd be.... really bad for you.
-If I were a celebrity, I'd be... shown on entertainment tonight all the fricken time. and mary hart would be like "o he's so awesome, why are you watching tv right now, instead of stalking him" and then that other guy would come out and be like "Jimbo baggins is my homeboy, he fricken rocks my face off"
-If I were a liquid, I'd be... cherry coke
-If I were a tree, I'd be...tall, and spindlie
-If I were a bird, I'd be... pooping on your car right now
-If I were a tool, I'd be... like Mr. Miller
-If I were a flower/plant, I'd be... using photosynthesis to get myself some food right now
-If I were a kind of weather, I'd be... rainy
-If I were a mythical creature, I'd be... a green giant
-If I were a musical instrument, I'd be.... kazoo or a crushed trombone
-If I were an animal, I'd be... a fat lazy dog, like willy
-If I were a color, I'd be.. blue
-If I were an emotion, I'd be... Winky (so what if I make up emotions?)
-If I were a vegetable, I'd be... a squash, because la de dah
-If I were a sound, I'd be... the sound that the squishy machine makes when it is pouring out squishy all over the floor. and the guy at the counter is like "dude, squishy is going all over the floor" and then 3 kids try to stick their mouths under the squishy thing, and it goes in their eyes and they are like "dude, squishy is going in my eyes!" and then the doctor comes and says "dude, these kids aren't going to make it" and then they have a mass funeral, and everybody is crying a lot, and the preacher is like "dude, they lived a good life," and then they get burried, and on the tombstone it says "dude, this is a dumb story" the end
-If I were an element, I'd be... radon
-If I were a car, I'd be... a vanagon
-If I were a song, I'd be.... O canada or my evil plan to save the world or peaches or wouldn't it be nice or the mr rodgers song or the song that you listen to when the stupid qwest guy puts you on hold
-If I were a movie, I'd be... cheap and homemade
-If I were a book, I'd be... The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
-If I were a food, I'd be... yummy and highly fattening
-If I were a place, I'd be... on the map as a blue dot
-If I were a material, I'd be...styrofoam
-If I were a taste, I'd be... gummy bears
-If I were a scent, I'd be... rain or pennies (hehe, it's a cent)
-If I were a religion, I'd be... Christianity
-If I were a word, I'd be... spigget, or muckaluck, or aloof, or incouragible, or zagbar
-If I were an object, I'd be... the coolest fricken object you've ever seen
-If I were a body part, I'd be... a left elbow
-If I were a facial expression, I'd be... winky
-If I were a subject in school, I'd be... drama, lunch, or off
-If I were a cartoon character, I'd be... drawn using a #2 pencil by a crazy guy that says weird things a lot. Things like "dude, there's squishy on the floor" and "watch out for the giant frogs" and he would stand on a street corner and play his clarinet. and if people didn't give him money, he would yell "Zagba!" really loud at them, while shaking his fist. and he would probably have alot of cats. and one would be named loyd 3001 and it would be the coolest cat ever. but one day, it would fall into a vat of acid. and turn into a super hero called Super Loyd 3001, and he would save people from burning buildings and stuff. and then he would have an arch nemesis named franko. And franko would constantly burn things. and try to trap super loyd 3001 in trees. But loyd would just use his rocket belt and fly to the moon, and use a giant laser to zap Franko into outerspace. and then the police would come and be like "dude, there's squishy all over" and then the doctor comes and says "dude, these kids aren't going to make it" and then they have a mass funeral, and everybody is crying a lot, and the preacher is like "dude, they lived a good life," and then they get burried, and on the tombstone it says "dude, this is a dumb story, but at least it's got a fricken awesome cat" and then super loyd 3001 would fly off into space, never to be seen again. the end
-If I were a shape, I'd be... an undecagon
-If I were a number, I'd be... a bazillion x 3 cats
ok bye!
word of the day: it would have to be either: zag - noff, wopmo, or glock-flog (these were all words i made up while writting poetry. Maybe I will put the poem in here later.
Spanish word of the day: Puedo hablar con Judy - I wish to speak with Judy
Quote of the day:
but I fear I am not ready
for the world that lays outside
for lunatics, and hypocrites,
and people that can fly.
(that's part of my poem) (I will type it later)
Current mood: Winky
ok bye! (again)
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