Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Hi hockeyinjury5! It's been 89 days since you joined Xanga... won't you support us by going Premium?

No I won't, I never do. Leave me alone xanga people.

ok, so I said I would include my poem, so here it is. I might put in the movie I am writting later.

Thirteen Ways


Looking at the High School


-By: Jim Taggart

I. For the school was created as a drop of

Mountain Dew in the


That is the Pepsi Corporation.

II. For attaining wisdom and discipline;

For understanding words of insight;

For acquiring a disciplined and prudent life;

Doing what is right and just and fair;

For giving prudence to the simple,

Knowledge and discretion to the young-

Let the wise listen and add their learning,

And let the discerning get guidance.

For understanding proverbs and parables,

The sayings and riddles of the wise,

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of


But fools despise wisdom and discipline.

III. All the world’s a stage

Yet, high school students are constantly

missing the cues

The colors are fading,

the lighting has gone skewed

Although the play is crappy

It gets a good review.

IV. The stress is undone by lattes, chocolate muffins, and

the Cherry Coke that is my

inner child.

V. Walls of vending machines

begging for Washingtons;

The currency of a young civilization.

VI. The strategy to win in life has

lots of turns

and bends

and wavy lines

flipity-flops and


VII. The lectures blend into a mindless droning.

A buzz that fills the ears

And clogs the mind with zings and wompos and glockflogs.

VIII. The people,

a splash of color

on a blank canvas;

The painter,

unsure of the outcome.

IX. Yo quiero dejar

I want the get the heck out of here.

To go home

Ir casa.

X. A school without students is



With pupils for the

Art of learning

The school is one.

XI. The forefathers of the future

are taught today.

To create the history



XII. school-ing / skooling / n. education, esp. at school.

· Teaching, instruction, tutelage, guidance, training.

XIII. Every story has a




One beginning has to die before

Another can commence.

As I stand here in the hallway

muddy boots on floor.

Seriously consider

running out that door.

But I fear I am not ready

for the world that lays outside

for lunatics, and hypocrites

and people that can fly.

And I ponder all these crazy things

as I sit




It’s an existence that’s unspoken,


and incomplete;

A dream that comes along

before I go to sleep.

I’m not sure what will happen

What I’ve done, or where I’ve been

All I really know is

I like the place I’m in.

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