Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 2448 - An Amazing Breakthrough

Great news internet!

In my search for grad schools I found one that has no application fee. It also doesn't require that I take the GRE. It pays a stipend of $10,650 per year to any student admitted without requiring students to have assistantships. It has a full tuition waiver for all MFA students. And perhaps best of all, it was definitely started by a robber baron.

Also, after going there, you come out looking like this:

He's totally mackin' on ALL the ladies!

That's right folks! It's Vanderbilt University in lovely Nashville, Tennessee!

And despite the University's reputation as an intelligent institution, they are willing to pay me money to write stories about boys ripping off piano teachers' wigs and creamated remains being sucked through infomercial products! (For those of you who don't read my stories--those are totally real).

So that's the new development of the day.

Also, I had a nice bread bowl for lunch.

Love always,

Update: They actually do require the GRE.

1 comment:

Allie said...

I once met a Vanderbilt grad, his name was Sam and he wore loafers with no socks. He was an intern for Marilyn Musgrave and was stuck giving tours of the Capital to her constituents. He didn't seem quite as happy/successful as the silver fox you've pictured here. But, in spite of all of this I have to echo "Pro" and tell you that I like your writing way too.