Hey everybody,
Today I am afraid that I have some bad news. Many of you know my good friend spongebob square pants. He is a plush toy for bathtime fun. Many of you also know my dog willy, he is very good at distroying anything that is even the slightest bit fun. Anyway, I got home, and my dad said that I shouldn't leave my toys in the hallway. I said "I didn't leave any toys in the hallway." Then he told me that it was spongebob. At first I was afraid that spongebob's sponge guts would be all over the hallway. but luckily they weren't. But I soon realized that....... spongebob............................ had.....................no nose.

this picture was taken right after the incident. Notice how spongebob is still smiling. What a trooper he is. His little hat was ripped right off his head too. Seeing spongebob laying there made me think about all the good times we have had. So, in honor of spongebob's nose, here is............
The spongebob's nose memorial service.
I first met spongebob on the great escape in gunnison, CO. The main protagonist/hero in all the skits during the week was spongebob, so naturally all the prizes for the games had something to do with him. Anywho, I decided that I was going to play Doodie mouth. It is a game that is sorta like chubby bunny, but you use tootsie rolls. I emerged from the game victorious, and was awarded with......... spongebob. Spongebob and I bonded from the moment we met. It just so happened that the night of that contest there was going to be a dance. Pizza, costumes, soda, music, and people that can't dance dancing. Anywho, correy and I didn't really have costumes, so we did what all people without costumes should do. Took our bedsheets, and made togas. Naturally Spongebob needed one too, so we made one out of toilet paper. We made up chants to say where ever we went, and were having a grand old time. We even wrote a chant about the shop vac that we used to clean up after the party. It was great. There were alot of pizzas left over, so we ended up takin like 6 back to our room. The girls thought it was gross that we kept the pizza next to our underwear, but that is our own business. And that was my first day with spongebob.
Another good time that we had was elementary camp.
I was a counselor, and spongebo became a backpack zipper pull. Campers who were extra good got to keep spongebob with them over night. Spongebob made alot of new friends (and enemies) in this experience.
Anyway, that was me and spongebob. But now he has lost his nose, and looks like michael jackson. Mom thinks she can sew it back on, but still a nose bypass surgery is going to be a long and painful recovery. Please keep spongebob in your thoughts and prayers throughout the coming weeks. Ok, now that I have gotten that off of my chest, onto todays thoughts.
Today was thursday, which is a late start day. Club meetings are before school on thursdays. The TSA meeting was going to be at IHOP at 7:45. So, I went to IHOP at 7:45. I was still feeling strange from fries, gummy worms, candies, cookies, and various other things I shouldn't have eaten, so I didn't get anything to eat there. Me and the other guys waited, and waited, and waited, and they ate their neverending pancakes, and drank tabasco, and waited. Our advisor never showed. So, I woke up an hour early to watch people swear and eat. that was kinda annoying, but meh. Then I walked to school from IHOP. got to school, and went to math. I had to go out in the hall, cuz they were reviewing a test that they took when I was sick. Anyway, I think they forgot I was out there, because I didn't come back in until the end of the period. Actually, my math teacher (visser) did say that he had forgotten me. (I am not sure if he was joking or not) But luckily, I got most of my math done in the hallway. Then came science, boring. Then came theater, I don't really remember what we did. O, but I do remember that while I was there shannon jabbed a crayon up my nose. That was kinda weird. But at least I got to keep the crayon. 4th: english.
O crap! Test tomorrow!
5th: lunch. Bagel with cheese, and a mountain dew. Read parts of a play at our table, to help people in the one acts reherse/ laugh at us. I got to be the chancelor and the queen. (plus I got to use a cheesy british accent.) That was cool. They said I should have been the actuall chancelor in the play they are doing. To bad I forgot to audition. doh!
6th: off. Talked about..... um..... lemme see...... waterbottles, and one acts.
7th: Gym. Weight room. Somebody accused me of being gay. That kinda hurt.
8th: Spanish: Watched Finding Nemo (that movies sounds really depressing in spanish)
Then I walked home with my buddy ryan. Played on his ps2. Aqua aqua is a really cool game. It is kinda nerdy, but still sweet. We had chinese food, and wrestled alot, using shoes as weapons. His dog thought I was attacking him, and started growling and stuff too. Then I came home, and found poor spongebob. Went to get a gatorade, and actually got a gatorade. Sweet. Ok, well that was basically my day.
Quote today is..... "Latin, is that even a language anymore?" (wasn't said today, but it was brought up)
ok bye!
Current mood: