Currently Playing Safety Dance-Remix By Men Without Hats see related |
Hi everybody!
I realized many reasons why I get sick some of the time. Last night, while I was trying to go to bed, I noticed that my room smells really funny, not bad, just funny. I dunno what it is, it is a very distinct smell. I tried to get rid of it many times by rubbing a deodorant stick on the wall, but now it just smells even funnier. (and the walls have odd streaks on them, is that weird?) Anywho, I think that is part of it. (and just to remind you, I said it smelled funny, not bad, I am not some kind of crazy stinky person) (at least I hope I'm not). So, lemme see, what happened today? I woke up, and realized that when you aren't sick, you got to school. So I got a ride to school. Cuz mi madre was already going out anyway. (mi madre is spanish for my mom, if you aren't bilingual) (bilingual is being able to speak two languages, if you aren't unlingual) (I am not even sure if unlingual is a word) Anywho, I got to school, and everybody was like "HEY, JIMBO BAGGINS IS BACK!" Well actually only like 3 people were like that, but I can dream can't I? I think that my mom thinks that I am dumb, or just blind. Because she had to point out every pretty girl in the crosswalk. Why is that? Can't she trust me to figure that out myself? "Hey Jim, she's pretty." "Yes, I know mom, but that also means she is popular, which entails that she probably hasn't talked to me since the 2nd grade." (Sorry if that is a pessimistic outlook, but she really hasn't talked to me since 2nd grade.) So then naturally my mom says, "Maybe she is just intimidated by your boyish good-looks." It is a sad, sad thing when your mom is the main one who points out your boyish good-looks. It is sort of ironic, because about 30 seconds before that, we were talking about me going to the dematologist. But that is a different story. At school I actually didn't have to much make-up work, surprisingly enough. Found out that we are watching Finding Nemo in Spanish tomorrow . Plus, here is another reason why I get sick. Today for lunch I decided that since I was better I could eat pure sugar. For lunch, I had..... French fries, gummy worms, a soda, and a small bag of willy wonka assorted candies. (and I wonder why I feel all gooky all the time) anyway, then I spent about 30 min in the bathroom deciding whether or not I was going to puke up all that sugar or not. The girls I was hanging out with must have thought I was a major freak for walking in and out of the bathroom every 30 seconds. Anyway, then came gym class. We played some basketball and such. My team is in first place
. (it definatley wasn't because of me) I am sort of just along for the ride. but at least I am not the worst guy on the team. (and for those of you that have seen me play basketball, that is a miracle) anywho, that rocks. but, I found out that for each day of gym I missed, I have to come in for half an hour. But this is my logic, why don't I just take the 50 minute period off for the whole year, and then come in to replace it with the required 30 minutes? I could save 20 minutes x however many school days there are left. it is ingenious. I already have 5th and 6th off, now I would get 7th. What a great plan. Speaking of school, (just so I remember) The winter one acts are this weekend! So come and enjoy. I will be there ushering and such, so if you see me, wave and stuff. Should be a good show. Tickets are $3 and available at lunch in the commons. Anywho, I keep trying to im this person, and they keep saying that they can't talk because they have math to do. Every night! If you have math to do, why are you online? I think they are just avoiding me. meh. O well. After school, I walked to my friend ryan's house, and we hung out there for a bit. Then we realized that he had no cookies, so we came to my house. Actually, we popped popcorn and then ate it on the way to my house, and then had soda and cookies at mi casa (meanwhile my stomach is trying to protest but I was to busy filling it with sugar and grease.) So, then we played on ryan's ps2. and then I needed to go to church. No synago tonight, but I decided I would go to the jr. high youth group. then everybody that was cool ditched, so I went downstairs and hung out with jaimiee and candice. jaimiee was trying to figure out cleaver ways to ask wade to sadies, and we had to help her. the night ended with us looking at sites with dumb pick up lines like "if I were a moose, and you were a duck, and we had sex, it would make a mooseduck, and if that happened, the mooseduck would sound like this: (make really odd sound)" (I thought that one was funny) So that was pretty good. Then I basically came home. I decided I was going to have a gatorade (cuz it is better than soda) but without realizing it, grabbed a soda anyway. I was half way in from the garage before I realized. This is how bad I am. I have gotten so addicted that I can't even help myself. I definatley need some kind of self help program for this. The news says that americans are getting fatter and fatter, but the sad thing is that I eat really bad compared to many americans. Oh, oh! I just remembered! I got a 36 on the district science assesment! *jimbo does his happy dance* Just thought you guys might want to know that. So that was basically my day today.
ok bye!
Miller quote - "And Jim is staring at me as if he has no clue at all about this."
Oh! I forgot a pencil today, and had to use a charcol sketch pencil all day. pretty funny. I had to write all this junk for science, and my pencil got dull, so I went sharpen it, and it broke in the sharpener, and then the sharpener wouldn't work, so then I just had a little knub of charcol to work with. (maybe you had to be there)
Here is a picture of a moose duck, sorry that it isn't bigger, but you can always click it.
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