Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Currently Playing
Safety Dance-Remix
By Men Without Hats
see related


I got school off today! wooo! But unfortunatley there was no snow day. I ended up getting the stomach flu. That really kinda stinks. I think it might be because I prayed the following. "Please don't make me go to school tomorrow" instead of "Please cancel school tomorrow". Or it could just be that I consider soda to be a meal. Or the fact that I am addicted to gummy worms. Or maybe I undercooked my 5 minute eggs. Anyway, stomach flu is no fun at all, and there is nothing good on tv during the day time. These people came to clean our floors and I got kicked out of the family room, and I couldn't go to my room because it makes me feel sick (I dunno why), so I ended up sleeping in my brother's room all day. Didn't really do anything.

It's not a snow day, but its something.

ok bye!


Current Mood: sick (this one is actually supposed to be bummed, but it looked kinda sick)

P.S. Xanga.com just got me a trial run of the premium package, so I can put in pictures now! cool!

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