Friday, April 11, 2008

You know the night life is just not for me, 'cause all you really need are a few good friends.

Currently Listening
Across The Universe [Deluxe Edition]
By Original Soundtrack
see related
Hey everybody,

Today was really pretty good.

I was thinking earlier that I felt like I had a lot of things to write on here. Things that seemed important. But now that I'm sitting here, trying to think of those things, I'm drawing a complete blank.

So whatevski. . .

Today in creative writing we had what Todd calls the "World's Worst Poetry Challenge!"

Basically, you just write the worst poem you can and people vote on which on sucks the most.

Here is my submission, it is called: Writing A Poem is Difficult . . . Like Having Monsters Shoot Beams Of Light At My Internal Organs

Todd told me to write a poem.
So I wrote this poem so I could show 'em.
That not just anyone can write a poem.

A poem can be hard to write.
It's almost like being in a fight:
A fight where monsters shoot beams of light
—from their eyeballs.

Their eyeballs can see my fear
at having monsters so very near.
The eyeballs can see me shed a tear
—as monsters are shooting beams of light at me.

I hate the monsters, they make me feel bad
being attacked by monsters is not what I'd call “rad.”
The most aggressive monster says his name is Brad.
—Brad is a jerk.

The monsters are all jerks, because they are so mean
they aim all of their beams of light directly at my
That is an idea that I do not find so peachy-keen.
—the idea of shooting laser beams at my internal

Organs play music, the music of my heart,
music that is beautiful like a piece of pretty art,
but I cannot hear the music, I only hear monsters fart
—because that's what monsters do when they are
shooting laser beams at me.

love always,

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