Saturday, April 24, 2004

Currently Playing
Two Lefts Don't Make a Right.. But Three Do
By Relient K
see related
The Jimbolog!
Traffic Prediction
Based on the site traffic during the last ... The site will have this much
traffic over the next ...
Hour Day Week Month
Hour 3
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ok, that's better. a little. I think most of those are me again. But meh.

I just wanted to tell you all about the church hoe-down tonight at my church. Hope to see you there!

ok bye!


Friday, April 23, 2004

Currently Playing
Alone in a Crowd
By Catch 22
see related
The Jimbolog!
Traffic Prediction
Based on the site traffic during the last ... The site will have this much
traffic over the next ...
Hour Day Week Month




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This is the expected traffic to this site according to how many people have visited in the last hour. and I think all those visits were me, making sure that the checker works. So, you all need to come to my site more often. Tell your friends about it. cuz only having 1 person visit per week is kinda depressing. I remember the good ol' days when people used to still visit. In fact, just to find out who all visits this, if you are reading this, leave a comment. It doesn't even have to make sense, just type something so I know you are all still alive.

ok bye!


Currently Playing
Keep It Together
By Guster
see related
- Amsterdam

I have been doing those weird quizie thing a majigs lately, but they don't have a lot of good questions. So, if you are reading this, it would really help me out if you would comment and ask me some questions. Like maybe 3. and then I will answer them, and you can all learn some super cool things about jimbo. So, just click down there were it says comment. i know that many of you don't have experience with this, considering many of you never say anything. So if you could do that, it would help me out a lot. sweet.

have a great day.

ok bye!


(quotes and such will be posted later)

Currently Playing
Quantity Is Job 1 [EP]
By Five Iron Frenzy
see related
- My Evil Plan to Save the World

Hi everybody,

last night I went to the opera. The Barber of Seville. It was really good. The set was constructed out of matresses. That was pretty hardcore. It had the perfect element of randomness. And the best part of all is, everybody was wearing converse high tops. That was awesome. Overall it was really good.

ok that was all I really had to say.

Quote of the day: "I just jumped down the stairs, and it made me kind of hyper." - Me

Spanish word of the day: la soda - soda

Current Mood: kinda sleepy

ok bye!


P.S. here are the lyrics to a really good song:

My Evil Plan to Save the World - Five Iron Frenzy

I have an evil plan to save the world for every man,
And I think it's better than the way it's being run.
Oh the groundwork's laid,
No Don't be afraid,
I'm sure that I can fix it,
When I figure out the physics.

My evil plan to save the world,
Just you wait 'till it's unfurled,
It'll go down in history.
It's prophetic,
No, it's not pathetic.
I can't believe I made it up myself.

I have an evil plan,
To save the world you understand,
The exemplary feat, you'd think I'd have to cheat.
I'd make Voltaire proud,
Deep and furrow browed.
Uncanny and so clever, it's "Our Newest Plan Ever!"

Got tired of whining,
A grander scheme with silver lining,
For every boy and girl.
We can't be responsible,
For all that's wrong with this world.

Starving children in pain,
You can't believe in that God.
The world's not spinning your way,
Does every dog still have his day?

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Hi hockeyinjury5! It's been 89 days since you joined Xanga... won't you support us by going Premium?

No I won't, I never do. Leave me alone xanga people.

ok, so I said I would include my poem, so here it is. I might put in the movie I am writting later.

Thirteen Ways


Looking at the High School


-By: Jim Taggart

I. For the school was created as a drop of

Mountain Dew in the


That is the Pepsi Corporation.

II. For attaining wisdom and discipline;

For understanding words of insight;

For acquiring a disciplined and prudent life;

Doing what is right and just and fair;

For giving prudence to the simple,

Knowledge and discretion to the young-

Let the wise listen and add their learning,

And let the discerning get guidance.

For understanding proverbs and parables,

The sayings and riddles of the wise,

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of


But fools despise wisdom and discipline.

III. All the world’s a stage

Yet, high school students are constantly

missing the cues

The colors are fading,

the lighting has gone skewed

Although the play is crappy

It gets a good review.

IV. The stress is undone by lattes, chocolate muffins, and

the Cherry Coke that is my

inner child.

V. Walls of vending machines

begging for Washingtons;

The currency of a young civilization.

VI. The strategy to win in life has

lots of turns

and bends

and wavy lines

flipity-flops and


VII. The lectures blend into a mindless droning.

A buzz that fills the ears

And clogs the mind with zings and wompos and glockflogs.

VIII. The people,

a splash of color

on a blank canvas;

The painter,

unsure of the outcome.

IX. Yo quiero dejar

I want the get the heck out of here.

To go home

Ir casa.

X. A school without students is



With pupils for the

Art of learning

The school is one.

XI. The forefathers of the future

are taught today.

To create the history



XII. school-ing / skooling / n. education, esp. at school.

· Teaching, instruction, tutelage, guidance, training.

XIII. Every story has a




One beginning has to die before

Another can commence.

As I stand here in the hallway

muddy boots on floor.

Seriously consider

running out that door.

But I fear I am not ready

for the world that lays outside

for lunatics, and hypocrites

and people that can fly.

And I ponder all these crazy things

as I sit




It’s an existence that’s unspoken,


and incomplete;

A dream that comes along

before I go to sleep.

I’m not sure what will happen

What I’ve done, or where I’ve been

All I really know is

I like the place I’m in.

Currently Playing
Losers, Kings, and Things We Don't Understand
By Less Than Jake
see related
- -

If I were a month, I'd be... a period of time, made up of roughly four weeks-If I were a day of the week, I'd be....Thursday, because you get to sleep in if you got to columbine.
-If I were a time of day, I'd be.....The crack of noon, because thats when I wake up
-If I were a sea animal, I'd be....underwater, and not using a computer
-If I were a direction, I'd be.... up
-If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be... a big red couch
-If I were a sin, I'd be.... really bad for you.
-If I were a celebrity, I'd be... shown on entertainment tonight all the fricken time. and mary hart would be like "o he's so awesome, why are you watching tv right now, instead of stalking him" and then that other guy would come out and be like "Jimbo baggins is my homeboy, he fricken rocks my face off"
-If I were a liquid, I'd be... cherry coke
-If I were a tree, I'd be...tall, and spindlie
-If I were a bird, I'd be... pooping on your car right now
-If I were a tool, I'd be... like Mr. Miller
-If I were a flower/plant, I'd be... using photosynthesis to get myself some food right now
-If I were a kind of weather, I'd be... rainy
-If I were a mythical creature, I'd be... a green giant
-If I were a musical instrument, I'd be.... kazoo or a crushed trombone
-If I were an animal, I'd be... a fat lazy dog, like willy
-If I were a color, I'd be.. blue
-If I were an emotion, I'd be... Winky (so what if I make up emotions?)
-If I were a vegetable, I'd be... a squash, because la de dah
-If I were a sound, I'd be... the sound that the squishy machine makes when it is pouring out squishy all over the floor. and the guy at the counter is like "dude, squishy is going all over the floor" and then 3 kids try to stick their mouths under the squishy thing, and it goes in their eyes and they are like "dude, squishy is going in my eyes!" and then the doctor comes and says "dude, these kids aren't going to make it" and then they have a mass funeral, and everybody is crying a lot, and the preacher is like "dude, they lived a good life," and then they get burried, and on the tombstone it says "dude, this is a dumb story" the end
-If I were an element, I'd be... radon
-If I were a car, I'd be... a vanagon
-If I were a song, I'd be.... O canada or my evil plan to save the world or peaches or wouldn't it be nice or the mr rodgers song or the song that you listen to when the stupid qwest guy puts you on hold
-If I were a movie, I'd be... cheap and homemade
-If I were a book, I'd be... The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
-If I were a food, I'd be... yummy and highly fattening
-If I were a place, I'd be... on the map as a blue dot
-If I were a material, I'd be...styrofoam
-If I were a taste, I'd be... gummy bears
-If I were a scent, I'd be... rain or pennies (hehe, it's a cent)
-If I were a religion, I'd be... Christianity
-If I were a word, I'd be... spigget, or muckaluck, or aloof, or incouragible, or zagbar

-If I were an object, I'd be... the coolest fricken object you've ever seen
-If I were a body part, I'd be... a left elbow
-If I were a facial expression, I'd be... winky

-If I were a subject in school, I'd be... drama, lunch, or off
-If I were a cartoon character, I'd be... drawn using a #2 pencil by a crazy guy that says weird things a lot. Things like "dude, there's squishy on the floor" and "watch out for the giant frogs" and he would stand on a street corner and play his clarinet. and if people didn't give him money, he would yell "Zagba!" really loud at them, while shaking his fist. and he would probably have alot of cats. and one would be named loyd 3001 and it would be the coolest cat ever. but one day, it would fall into a vat of acid. and turn into a super hero called Super Loyd 3001, and he would save people from burning buildings and stuff. and then he would have an arch nemesis named franko. And franko would constantly burn things. and try to trap super loyd 3001 in trees. But loyd would just use his rocket belt and fly to the moon, and use a giant laser to zap Franko into outerspace. and then the police would come and be like "dude, there's squishy all over" and then the doctor comes and says "dude, these kids aren't going to make it" and then they have a mass funeral, and everybody is crying a lot, and the preacher is like "dude, they lived a good life," and then they get burried, and on the tombstone it says "dude, this is a dumb story, but at least it's got a fricken awesome cat" and then super loyd 3001 would fly off into space, never to be seen again. the end
-If I were a shape, I'd be... an undecagon
-If I were a number, I'd be... a bazillion x 3 cats

ok bye!


word of the day: it would have to be either: zag - noff, wopmo, or glock-flog (these were all words i made up while writting poetry. Maybe I will put the poem in here later.

Spanish word of the day: Puedo hablar con Judy - I wish to speak with Judy

Quote of the day:

but I fear I am not ready

for the world that lays outside

for lunatics, and hypocrites,

and people that can fly.

(that's part of my poem) (I will type it later)

Current mood: Winky

ok bye! (again)

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Currently Playing
All My Life/Tell Me It's Real
By K-Ci & JoJo
see related

1. What time is it?: 8:40 PM (according to the computer clock)
2. Name: Jimbo
3. Name as it appears on birth certificate:
James Edwin Taggart
4. Nickname: Jim, Jimbo, Jimbo Baggins, Bags, Snap, Jimathy, Sir-yes-sir, Reverend Jimbo, Creator of Bobby, Big guy, Jelly Bean
5. Number of candles on your last birthday
cake: I think I had 1 candle, but I am 15
6. Number of pets?: Just 1, Willy the Wild wonder dog
7. Hair color: Brown
8. # of Body Piercings: none, sorry
9. Eye Color: blue
10. Favorite Alcohol: n/a
11. Current Residence: COLORADO!!!
12. Favorite foods: itallian
13. Been to Africa? no
14. Loved someone so much it made you cry?
I don't cry a lot, but yes
15. Been in a car crash? nope, I am invincible
16. Croutons or bacon bits?: croutons and bacon bits!
17. Favorite day of the week: any day i get to see Clairissa
18. Favorite word or phrase: Zing! I'm all about that.
19. Favorite Restaurant: Angies, Taco Bell
20. Favorite Flower: I don't really know flowers
21. Favorite Sport: hockey
22. Favorite non-alcoholic drink: cherry coke or mountain dew.
23. Favorite Ice Cream: italian ice w/ gummy bears
24. Disney or Warner Bros: Disney hands down
25. Favorite fast food restaurant: Taco Bell
26. Whats the last movie that you've seen?
in theaters, The Prince and Me (at elvis) and at home, Secondhand Lions, and at Clairissa's house, Cheaper by the dozen.
27. What's your favorite school subject? favorite class is intro to theater, hands down
28. Before this one, from whom did you get
your last bulletin: Who knows
29. Which store would you choose to buy ur
groceries? I'm all about king soopers
30. What do you do most often when you are
bored? get on internet, get on the internet, or get on the net
31. Favorite Magazine: Breakaway
32. Bedtime: 10:00 (but I am always up much later)
33. Whats the last song you heard: Guster -Amsterdam
34. Favorite TV show: the simpsons, malcolm in the middle, that 70's show, saturday night live (not as good as it used to be)
36. Last person you had dinner with: mom and dad
37. Ford or Chevy: meh
38. Car or SUV: Vanagon
39. Favorite smell: rain,
40. Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend right now?
41. Dream boy/girlfriend: Clairissa Danielle Mulloy
42. DREAM PLACE: Seattle, WA, Ft. Collins, CO, who knows?
43. Time you finished this? clock says 8:58
44. Today's date: 4.15.2004
45. What are u thinking now?:
all my life, I've prayed for someone like you,
and I thank god that I finally found you,
all my life,I've prayed for someone like you,
and I know that you feel the same way too,
I pray that you do love me too.

I might actually write about my day later.

ok bye!

Current mood: blissfully blissfully happy
Quote of the day: "Barney the dinosaur is my best friend, the savior of my nation" - Miller
Spanish word of the day: el sal - salt

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Currently Playing
Our Newest Album Ever!
By Five Iron Frenzy
see related
- O Canada -

Currently writting: The Corsley Battles by: Jimbo

Currently Reading: Harry Potter 5 by: J.K. Rowling

Hi everybody,

I have noticed that I say hi everybody at the beginning of every post. Then I make some sort of joke about the day. and I always end it with ok bye! Well just to let you all know, the ok bye! isn't original. I actually got that from another super-blogger. His name is todd. Go to and click on "What's happening" to see his blog. It is pretty sweet. He is awesome. and while you are there, watch some toons. And while we are talking about toons, go to . That has wicked good toons too. Then, if you are still in the mood, you can come back to this sorry excuse for a site. Sorry that it can't be interesting every day. But hey, at least it used to be good. remember the days of 5 min eggs and stomach flu? Gummy bears? Worries about getting fat? Those were good times. Before writing novels and plays. Before they got rid of the best vending machine.

But hey, I shouldn't be complaining, times are good. They may not be fun to read about, but they are just peachy. I am super happy. Clairissa has alot to do with it. Thanks kiddo.

But now that I think about it, there is plenty to write about. Like ska music. Ska music kicks. especially "O Canada" by five iron frenzy. Here are the lyrics:

Welcome to Canada, it's the Maple Leaf State.
Canada, oh Canada it's great!
The people are nice and they speak French too.
If you don't like it, man, you sniff glue.
The Great White North, their kilts are plaid,
Hosers take off, it's not half bad.

I want to be where yaks can run free,
Where Royal Mounties can arrest me.

Let's go to Canada, let's leave today,
Canada, oh, Canada, I Sil Vous Plait.

They've got trees, and mooses, and sled dogs,
Lots of lumber, and lumberjacks, and logs!
We all think it's kind of a drag,
That you have to go there to get milk in a bag.
They say "eh?" instead of "what?" or "duh?"
That's the mighty power of Canada.

I want to be where lemmings run into the sea,
Where the marmosets can attack me.

Let's go to Canada, let's leave today,
Canada, oh, Canada, I Sil Vous Plait.
Let's go to Canada, let's leave today,
Canada, oh, Canada, I Sil Vous Plait.

Please, please, explain to me,
How this all has come to be,
We forgot to mention something here.
Did we say that William Shatner is a native citizen?
And Slurpees made from venison, That's deer.

Let's go to Canada, let's leave today,
Canada, oh, Canada, I Sil Vous Plait.

Wow, that song rocks. I know how to play it on keyboard. Yay! Ok, now that I got that out of my system......

Today, school was boring. I did the regular stuff. We lost our hockey game in gym. We would have tied, but the crazy people on the other team didn't count one of our goals. Stupid people.

I came home and called Clairissa. We talked on the phone for quite a while. That was cool. Then it started raining. It reminded me of Clairissa. A lot of stuff has been doing that lately. Just regular everyday things remind me of her. Like skittles. and rain, and dots, daffadils, the color orange, shoelaces, cartoons, green, water. Just weird things. Don't know why.

So, tonight, I went to a concert. It was a Christian worship concert by the band "Foolish Things" They rocked it up pretty hardcore. I enjoyed it.

Then came home. I had some limeaide. it was good. and cookies. Then I worked on my book some more. I decided I would start reading Harry Potter 5. Why not?

Now, my parents are yelling at me to go to bed, so I should probably go soon. meh. I would write a funny story, but I can't really think of any. sorry. I will write one sometime. One of these days, I will get bored, and then you will get to hear all about it.

Spanish word of the day: otono (squiglie line over the n) - fall

Quote of the day: "I guess the magnet just sucked up my brain." or "super goblet!"

Current Mood: happy

ok bye! (courtesy of Oddtodd)


Tuesday, April 6, 2004

Currently Playing
Keep It Together
By Guster
see related

Today is Tuesday.

Day after monday.

Before wednesday.

It is also before monday, if you are talking about next week.

It is the 1st tuesday of the month. Or is it?

Today I went to school. It was dumb. as usual. I forgot my story notebook at home, and couldn't write anything. that was basically school. I had my friend davy come over. We went out to get the mail. I didn't like it, so I put back into the box. Then, we tried to burn some ants that crawled into one of the burners on my stove. They escaped. We made limeaid. I ate chocolate. Then we read my old xanga posts. We started at about 3:30ish and didn't get done till 5:15. Gosh I write a fricken lot. Now, davy is helping me write this. He just showed me his wicked cool phone compass. (Now he won't get lost) We just realized that we really have nothing to talk about. Scraping the bottom of the barrel here. Although, we do have wicked good quotes today.

Quote 1 "and now, if you would all wake up, we can continue" -Overholt, my spanish teacher.

Quote 2: "I remember back in the day, when there was no purple in rocks" - Davy

Quote 3: "math is a wonderful thing, math is a really cool thing, so get off your a** lets do some math, math, math, math, math, math................. 6 plus 4 is............ 10? .............10...................and 6 times a BILLION is...... 6 billion?............. nailed it................ and 44 is just 35 more its its 9.................... that's right I was just testing you.............iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttt'ssssssss 9!...................and that's a magic number!" -Jack Black, School of Rock

Quote 4: "Jim, have you done that thing where you need to wear make up yet? Yes mom. cuz I have some make up remover here." - my mom, weird

Quote 5: "Jim, I don't know where the potatoes are, and your mom's making me wash them" - davy

Quote 6: " Your dog just gave me the eyebrow." - davy

Quote 7: "There is no such thing as ADD, it needs an h" - Miller

Quote 8: "What is riddlin?................. speed" - Miller

Quote 10: "And the two brothers had the same name." -Miller

Ok, I have to finish my day now, so I will finish the post when I finish the day.

ok bye!


Spanish word o da day: bufanda - scarf

Quote of the Day: I already gave you ten quotes, what more do you want?

Current Mood: Good

Monday, April 5, 2004

Currently Playing
Keasbey Nights
By Catch 22
see related

Hey everybody,

I realize that is has been a while since I have written regularly on here. So for all of you people who have come in that time:

I am Jimbo. I am 15 years old. I profusely enjoy ska music and other various hardcore stuff. Boston Creme pie is good. I am wearing Charlie Brown pajamas and it is 9:15 (according to my computer clock) I am currently working on chapter 3 of my most recent novel entitled "The Corsley Battles" And for once I am not even joking, I am actually considering getting this published. Think about all the money in that. I am currently considering becoming an entrepanour in the homemade foosball table business. quite a bit of money to be made there. I made my table for like $40, and could probably sell one for more than that. Plus, I think I am going to make my own furniture. Cool.

So, today was monday. it was actually really boring. But, I did get the beginning of a 3rd chapter for my book, and I started writing another song. The song is called "Life, Love, and Other Things I Don't Understand." Hopefully I can come up with some good lyrics. Meh. I had piano today. I am fairly sure I will be ready for the recital in may. we will see. I talked with Clairissa on the phone for a while, and found out I can't go to heritage square with her on saturday. Doh! O well, I will still see her saturday night. I am looking forward to it. What else? Oh!

Coming soon to a St. James Presbyterian church near you.....

Hoe down at the St. James Coral. That's right, we are having a hoe down. Tickets are $10. this includes dinner (which includes a baked potatoe), square dancing, a silent auction, and a slave auction. Ok, so legally, we have to call it a "labor" auction, and all the people working are "volunteers" but meh. So, if you want to buy me, come to the hoe down on April 24th to help support the youth group trip to belize. If you want tickets, or more info, put a comment on this post. Ok. Cool.

Well, mommy wants me to go to bed. And when mommy says "go to bed" you can really only dilly-dally for a good 8 and a half minutes. So, have a great night everybody. and a great day too. Doesn't have to be the best, but at least great. or super awesome. alright, goodnight.

ok bye!


Spanish word o' da' day: paraguas - umbrella

Quote of the day: "Chapter 3: The meaning of tea"

Current Mood: pretty good

ok, Clairissa said I couldn't look at the moon until I posted. So if I ever want to see any lunar phenomenon again, I should probably write something.

I told you that I would write about friday, so here it goes.


Day after thursday.

which comes after wednesday.

Tuesday is the day that is two days before thursday

which is 4 days after sunday.

Which is today.

Alright, today is sunday. But I am writing about friday.

Ok, school was boring, so if you don't want to read BORING skip to the parth that begins with "and now it gets good"

On friday, I woke up. Then, I went to school. School is boring. very boring. I am getting sick of it. But school isn't really what mattered on friday. so, I went to school. In theater I had to put on make-up to learn about make-up. I put on a bunch of scary horror make-up. But I don't think I did very good. I think it was C quality work. Bummer. After that, was english. I don't really remember what we did. Then came lunch. Went to Matt's house. Matt's dog jumped on the trampoline. I started writing a story. if you would all like to read it. buy a copy when I am famous. I will even sign it for you. I talked to Clairissa on the phone. We decided that we were going to go see the prince and me at 5:10. Then, I went to gym class. I got there super early. We lifted some hardcore weights. I didn't find that fun at all. Maybe I am just a wimp. meh.

Then, spanish. fairly pointless class. I think it is fired.

AND NOW IT GETS GOOD. Ok, this is were the story gets super fun. and awesome, and cool. and wicked good. and slightly soggy (but in that good mushy way)

So, I was walking home from school. and my buddy eric gave me a ride home. Eric fricken rocks. I beat Clairissa home. It was awesome. She said I was a stinker.

So, I got home, and my mommy was quilting with her friend susan.

and I says to her, I says "mommy, Clairissa and I are going to a movie at 5:10"

she said "Ok Jimbo, whatever you want"

So then, I called Clairssa, and we decided that we were going to go to the later show, and I would have dinner at her house. So, my mom gave me a ride to Clairissa's house. And I went there. and we played go fish. and then Clairissa's little sister taught me how to dance. and Clairissa thought it was cool (probably because she didn't have to do it) She tried to take pictures of me doing my beautiful dance, but luckily, the camera didn't work. Then, we had dinner. It was wicked good lasagna. I enjoyed profusely. We left for the movie. We got there uber early. (looc si assirialc dna)(sublinminal messaging) and we bought tickets. and food. but couldn't get slushies (dnarg si assirialc dna) We went into the movie. Clairissa said she was sorry for dragging me to a chick flick. But I told her that it was worth it. The company was better than the movie. and it was a wicked good movie, so that is saying something. (toh si assirialc dna)(siht epyt ot em gnillet si assirialc) (eurt t'nsi ti naem t'nseod taht tub) It was probably one of the best nights of my life. Plus, the movie had a lawnmower race. But I didn't really go for the movie.

After the movie, we decided we wanted ice cream. So we ran to Coldstone. We got ice cream. Clairissa got ice cream with gummy bears in it. Which is like my favoritie candy ever. and she gave me some, and I was blissfully blissfully happy. Then, since coldstone closes at 10 they kicked us out, into the rain. It was uber cold, but I didn't care. I just liked spending time with my best friend. We stood in the rain together, and it reminded me of a scene out of every good movie ever. Standing in the rain with her was one of the greatest moments of my life. But, sadly enough, the night had to end. Her mom came and picked us up, and we drove back to my house. We walked up to the front door. And that was the end of the best day of my life.

Ok, that's all. More stories later.

Currently Playing: Nothing, I unplugged the speakers and can't hear a bloody thing. drat.

Current Mood: lovey dovey happyness

Spanish word of the day: para adorar - to adore

Quote of the Day: "Yes" - Clairissa, after I asked her to be my girlfriend.

Friday, April 2, 2004

Hi everybody,

Clairissa said she wouldn't post a fricken awesome story about me, unless I posted more often. So, I will post about today's happenings tomorrow. Trust me, it's worth the wait. But now, I need to go to bed. Busy day tomorrow.

ok bye!


Current mood: / sleepy but happy