Tuesday, August 31, 2004


Currently Playing
Losing Streak
By Less Than Jake
Song of the moment - Automatic bra song
see related


So today, I was sitting on my computer rocking out to some ska. Which I like to do occasionally. Helps me relax and stuff. So anywho, I was listening to Less than Jake. Automatic. And singing really loud. And scaring the dog. When Less than Jake just cuts out. And this Bra ad comes on. For like this bra that can be strapless or strapped.

And I'm like, "What the crap!?"

and I figure it's one of the popups that just came up from fricken MSN. So I close all those. and this bra ad is still going.

and I'm afraid my mom is going to walk in and be like, "Jim, what in tarnation are you listening to?"

So, I'm going nuts trying to figure out what the fish is going on. I close winamp. I try to turn off the volume. Nothing is working. This fricken bra ad is still going.

I think I've got like a fricken bra virus. I tried installing Norton antivirus yesterday, but it didn't work. So I'm hoping that bra ads aren't going to go off every hour on the hour now or something. Whoever made that ad must be getting crazy business though. Wonder how many other people have heard the spooky bra add.


ok bye!


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Currently Playing
By Lucky Boys Confusion
Song of the moment - Broken
see related
mmkay. so I just got my computers set up in my room, which is cool, cuz now I can talk to you from my bed! yay!

anywho, nothing really happening otherwise. Well, there are things, but it's a secret. Started writing another novel today. If you like, I will fill you guys in on it. and such. Got a good idea for a cool song too.

anywho here are quotes for the past couple o days and such.

Where's the dot button? - kevin (you kinda had to be there)

don't watch if you don't like graphic things. There is some candle sex going on. - Mr. Hill (explaining how flame can reproduce and stuff.)

Oh! We're not making sexual references about lunch meat? - Zahn (let's just say, my turkey sandwich was offended)

He was a short guy. You can't trust short people. They're always trying to be important, so they'll look taller than they actually are. - Mr. Bartok (talking about napolean and short people)

My daughter's play basketball, and whenever I see a short referee, I say "Oh no." The only reason they are refs is because they're too short to play - Mr. Bartok (pretty self explainitory)

I'd be in the last row - behind the 16 fat guys - Mr. Bartok (talking about military strategery in the civil war)

that's basically it for now. and such.

By the way, this post is dedicated to "gripper the ping pong paddle" who died yesterday of severe spinal injury. He will be enshrined in our hearts and souls forever.

ok bye!

Monday, August 16, 2004

So I kind of freaked out there for a while and couldn't bring myself to post in my web journal. The pressure of all you people on the internet reading my inner thoughts got to be too much. So I locked myself in the pantry and revealed my secrets to fruit roll-ups and economy sized cans of Heinz ketchup. That worked for a while until I realized 3 months had passed and I'd gained 45 pounds. But now I'm back. Here I am, internet. Rock me like an e-Hurricane.

quote of the day: ooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! square!

-Sam and that crazy kid's toy.


Friday, August 6, 2004

Currently Playing
Losing Streak
By Less Than Jake
see related

This is the final straw! Dad doesn't believe that anybody could like my hair! Take my poll! Here is my picture with long hair.... compare to other pictures below.

Here's the poll...


ok bye!


Tuesday, August 3, 2004

Currently Reading
Thomas the Tank Engine: The Complete Collection (Railway Series)
see related

Luckily I managed to avoid getting a haircut today. Which is good. That means it has been one day haircut free since nagging has begun. Let's see how long I can go.

So, as of now....

1 day

ok, go here.....


then go here....


Gosh i love that game. H*R rules!

I have been trying to get back to juggling like I used to. I did it for a pretty long time, but haven't done it in a while. The guys at the renisance festival made me want to start again. That would rock. By the way, anybody know where I can get a good unicycle?


This section of today's blog is...............

Why Jimbo hates haircuts.

Exibit A.

wow. Let's just say, I'm never going to cool cuts 4 kids again.

Look at those bangs. my gosh.

Yikes. in fact, double yikes!

once again, some parents just don't get it.

ok, I was just thinking. I'm definately putting up a poll on whether or not I should get a haircut. I was trying to find a picture of me with long hair and short hair so the voting would be easier. Didn't find any really good ones, but I did find this picture of me at homecoming!

short hair, but everybody knows the puppet is what makes this picture look good. nothing to do with hair.

ok bye!


Monday, August 2, 2004

Currently Watching
Remember the Titans (Widescreen Edition)
By Denzel Washington
see related


What is it with parents and making you get haircuts? My dad is forcing me to go get my hair cut. but I like it this way. I think my dad is just jealous because he doesn't have hair anymore. Well, I figure as long as I have hair, I might as well keep it long right? Plus the fact that I got more compliments on my hair tonight (long) than I have had in my whole life. So I obviously shouldn't cut it. I want my hair as long as possible before I look like this....

I'd just like to appologize for that picture. If that's the future I have to look forward to, I better start buying rogaine quick. Hopefully I'll look less goofy once I reach that age though. meh.

I suppose some people just like the bald look. But winter is coming, and I don't want my scalp frozen. So, for the well-being of my cranium and all that that implies, I hope they let me keep my hair. I always wanted long hair, that's why I'm not on the baseball team. the parentals always thought it was about playing ability, no, it was the darn coaches making all the kids cut their hair. Geez, some parents just don't get it.

ok bye!
