Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 2226 - Business Casual

By The Decemberists
see related
Hello there old friend, <*dusts off cobwebs*>
It's been nearly five months since we last talked, and that seems like an awfully long time. I bet you feel forgotten here in this dark corner of the internet, tucked in next to photobucket and Homestar Runner. But that's all going to change, because it is Day 2226 and I am writing to you about Business Casual.
So here it goes:

Dear Internet,

I need you to know something. It is something that I've always wanted to be able to tell the world. I need you to know this one thing, not because I think it makes me special but simply because it has happened, and it's part of me now. It's not necessarily something I'm proud of, but I am not embarrassed by it either. So listen up Internet, because I'm only going to say this once.

I need you to know, Internet, that I have finally learned what business casual is. I understand now that the vest and pocket watch was too much, and I understand that the tuxedo t-shirt was probably too little. And as I sit here in my argyle sweater and button up shirt, with my dress shoes from Target, I can't help but wonder what this discovery really means.

I've reached some sort of level in my life. The Business Casual level.

That's where I am.

I just thought you should know. Thanks Internet.

Love always,