Friday, January 30, 2004


Friday. the fifth day. (Monday - one day, Twosday - tue day, Wednesday - what day? Thursday - third day, Friday - the fifth day.) Um.... what made this friday different from any other fridays? Let's see here.... Nothing, ok the end.


geez! The reason I am stalling so much is because I am really not in the mood to type this. I am much to sleepy. So I think I am going to go watch tv, and then come back and type it.

ok bye!


Thursday, January 29, 2004

Currently Playing
By Good Charlotte
see related

Hey everybody,

Today I am afraid that I have some bad news. Many of you know my good friend spongebob square pants. He is a plush toy for bathtime fun. Many of you also know my dog willy, he is very good at distroying anything that is even the slightest bit fun. Anyway, I got home, and my dad said that I shouldn't leave my toys in the hallway. I said "I didn't leave any toys in the hallway." Then he told me that it was spongebob. At first I was afraid that spongebob's sponge guts would be all over the hallway. but luckily they weren't. But I soon realized that....... spongebob............................ nose.

this picture was taken right after the incident. Notice how spongebob is still smiling. What a trooper he is. His little hat was ripped right off his head too. Seeing spongebob laying there made me think about all the good times we have had. So, in honor of spongebob's nose, here is............

The spongebob's nose memorial service.

I first met spongebob on the great escape in gunnison, CO. The main protagonist/hero in all the skits during the week was spongebob, so naturally all the prizes for the games had something to do with him. Anywho, I decided that I was going to play Doodie mouth. It is a game that is sorta like chubby bunny, but you use tootsie rolls. I emerged from the game victorious, and was awarded with......... spongebob. Spongebob and I bonded from the moment we met. It just so happened that the night of that contest there was going to be a dance. Pizza, costumes, soda, music, and people that can't dance dancing. Anywho, correy and I didn't really have costumes, so we did what all people without costumes should do. Took our bedsheets, and made togas. Naturally Spongebob needed one too, so we made one out of toilet paper. We made up chants to say where ever we went, and were having a grand old time. We even wrote a chant about the shop vac that we used to clean up after the party. It was great. There were alot of pizzas left over, so we ended up takin like 6 back to our room. The girls thought it was gross that we kept the pizza next to our underwear, but that is our own business. And that was my first day with spongebob.

Another good time that we had was elementary camp.

I was a counselor, and spongebo became a backpack zipper pull. Campers who were extra good got to keep spongebob with them over night. Spongebob made alot of new friends (and enemies) in this experience.

Anyway, that was me and spongebob. But now he has lost his nose, and looks like michael jackson. Mom thinks she can sew it back on, but still a nose bypass surgery is going to be a long and painful recovery. Please keep spongebob in your thoughts and prayers throughout the coming weeks. Ok, now that I have gotten that off of my chest, onto todays thoughts.

Today was thursday, which is a late start day. Club meetings are before school on thursdays. The TSA meeting was going to be at IHOP at 7:45. So, I went to IHOP at 7:45. I was still feeling strange from fries, gummy worms, candies, cookies, and various other things I shouldn't have eaten, so I didn't get anything to eat there. Me and the other guys waited, and waited, and waited, and they ate their neverending pancakes, and drank tabasco, and waited. Our advisor never showed. So, I woke up an hour early to watch people swear and eat. that was kinda annoying, but meh. Then I walked to school from IHOP. got to school, and went to math. I had to go out in the hall, cuz they were reviewing a test that they took when I was sick. Anyway, I think they forgot I was out there, because I didn't come back in until the end of the period. Actually, my math teacher (visser) did say that he had forgotten me. (I am not sure if he was joking or not) But luckily, I got most of my math done in the hallway. Then came science, boring. Then came theater, I don't really remember what we did. O, but I do remember that while I was there shannon jabbed a crayon up my nose. That was kinda weird. But at least I got to keep the crayon. 4th: english.

O crap! Test tomorrow!

5th: lunch. Bagel with cheese, and a mountain dew. Read parts of a play at our table, to help people in the one acts reherse/ laugh at us. I got to be the chancelor and the queen. (plus I got to use a cheesy british accent.) That was cool. They said I should have been the actuall chancelor in the play they are doing. To bad I forgot to audition. doh!

6th: off. Talked about..... um..... lemme see...... waterbottles, and one acts.

7th: Gym. Weight room. Somebody accused me of being gay. That kinda hurt.

8th: Spanish: Watched Finding Nemo (that movies sounds really depressing in spanish)

Then I walked home with my buddy ryan. Played on his ps2. Aqua aqua is a really cool game. It is kinda nerdy, but still sweet. We had chinese food, and wrestled alot, using shoes as weapons. His dog thought I was attacking him, and started growling and stuff too. Then I came home, and found poor spongebob. Went to get a gatorade, and actually got a gatorade. Sweet. Ok, well that was basically my day.

Quote today is..... "Latin, is that even a language anymore?" (wasn't said today, but it was brought up)

ok bye!


Current mood: Undecided

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Currently Playing
Safety Dance-Remix
By Men Without Hats
see related

Hi everybody!

I realized many reasons why I get sick some of the time. Last night, while I was trying to go to bed, I noticed that my room smells really funny, not bad, just funny. I dunno what it is, it is a very distinct smell. I tried to get rid of it many times by rubbing a deodorant stick on the wall, but now it just smells even funnier. (and the walls have odd streaks on them, is that weird?) Anywho, I think that is part of it. (and just to remind you, I said it smelled funny, not bad, I am not some kind of crazy stinky person) (at least I hope I'm not). So, lemme see, what happened today? I woke up, and realized that when you aren't sick, you got to school. So I got a ride to school. Cuz mi madre was already going out anyway. (mi madre is spanish for my mom, if you aren't bilingual) (bilingual is being able to speak two languages, if you aren't unlingual) (I am not even sure if unlingual is a word) Anywho, I got to school, and everybody was like "HEY, JIMBO BAGGINS IS BACK!" Well actually only like 3 people were like that, but I can dream can't I? I think that my mom thinks that I am dumb, or just blind. Because she had to point out every pretty girl in the crosswalk. Why is that? Can't she trust me to figure that out myself? "Hey Jim, she's pretty." "Yes, I know mom, but that also means she is popular, which entails that she probably hasn't talked to me since the 2nd grade." (Sorry if that is a pessimistic outlook, but she really hasn't talked to me since 2nd grade.) So then naturally my mom says, "Maybe she is just intimidated by your boyish good-looks." It is a sad, sad thing when your mom is the main one who points out your boyish good-looks. It is sort of ironic, because about 30 seconds before that, we were talking about me going to the dematologist. But that is a different story. At school I actually didn't have to much make-up work, surprisingly enough. Found out that we are watching Finding Nemo in Spanish tomorrow . Plus, here is another reason why I get sick. Today for lunch I decided that since I was better I could eat pure sugar. For lunch, I had..... French fries, gummy worms, a soda, and a small bag of willy wonka assorted candies. (and I wonder why I feel all gooky all the time) anyway, then I spent about 30 min in the bathroom deciding whether or not I was going to puke up all that sugar or not. The girls I was hanging out with must have thought I was a major freak for walking in and out of the bathroom every 30 seconds. Anyway, then came gym class. We played some basketball and such. My team is in first place . (it definatley wasn't because of me) I am sort of just along for the ride. but at least I am not the worst guy on the team. (and for those of you that have seen me play basketball, that is a miracle) anywho, that rocks. but, I found out that for each day of gym I missed, I have to come in for half an hour. But this is my logic, why don't I just take the 50 minute period off for the whole year, and then come in to replace it with the required 30 minutes? I could save 20 minutes x however many school days there are left. it is ingenious. I already have 5th and 6th off, now I would get 7th. What a great plan. Speaking of school, (just so I remember) The winter one acts are this weekend! So come and enjoy. I will be there ushering and such, so if you see me, wave and stuff. Should be a good show. Tickets are $3 and available at lunch in the commons. Anywho, I keep trying to im this person, and they keep saying that they can't talk because they have math to do. Every night! If you have math to do, why are you online? I think they are just avoiding me. meh. O well. After school, I walked to my friend ryan's house, and we hung out there for a bit. Then we realized that he had no cookies, so we came to my house. Actually, we popped popcorn and then ate it on the way to my house, and then had soda and cookies at mi casa (meanwhile my stomach is trying to protest but I was to busy filling it with sugar and grease.) So, then we played on ryan's ps2. and then I needed to go to church. No synago tonight, but I decided I would go to the jr. high youth group. then everybody that was cool ditched, so I went downstairs and hung out with jaimiee and candice. jaimiee was trying to figure out cleaver ways to ask wade to sadies, and we had to help her. the night ended with us looking at sites with dumb pick up lines like "if I were a moose, and you were a duck, and we had sex, it would make a mooseduck, and if that happened, the mooseduck would sound like this: (make really odd sound)" (I thought that one was funny) So that was pretty good. Then I basically came home. I decided I was going to have a gatorade (cuz it is better than soda) but without realizing it, grabbed a soda anyway. I was half way in from the garage before I realized. This is how bad I am. I have gotten so addicted that I can't even help myself. I definatley need some kind of self help program for this. The news says that americans are getting fatter and fatter, but the sad thing is that I eat really bad compared to many americans. Oh, oh! I just remembered! I got a 36 on the district science assesment! *jimbo does his happy dance* Just thought you guys might want to know that. So that was basically my day today.

ok bye!


Miller quote - "And Jim is staring at me as if he has no clue at all about this."

Oh! I forgot a pencil today, and had to use a charcol sketch pencil all day. pretty funny. I had to write all this junk for science, and my pencil got dull, so I went sharpen it, and it broke in the sharpener, and then the sharpener wouldn't work, so then I just had a little knub of charcol to work with. (maybe you had to be there)

Here is a picture of a moose duck, sorry that it isn't bigger, but you can always click it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Currently Watching
see related


This is my first day with the new XANGA PREMIUM! Only 21 more days in the trial, then I will have to pay for it . Anyway, now I can put pictures in here. So, expect alot of random diagrams and such. My good buddy Clairissa sent me an awesome picture today of a 5 minute egg cooker.

Heh. Look at the happy eggs. Wow, that has to be the best thing I have seen all day. Clairissa, thanks a million for the picture, it made my day. Anyway, I had to stay home again today, because supposedly there is some rule that you shouldn't do anything for 24 hours after you have had a fever. So, I felt better, but was still stuck in my house. I was kind of afraid to eat today in case I was still sick, but by noon, I figured what the hey and ate some blueberries. Then I was still hungry so I got some lunch meat. and two cookies. and some ginger ale. then mom got home, and gave me some soup. It was pretty good. I watched annie the musical. Not the old one, the new disney one with alicia morton. That movie never gets old. All my friends think I am a wimp for watching it but.... hey they are probably right anyway. Anywho, the other good thing about that movie is that I recorded the simpson's halloween episode on it. Plus the 300th episode. and a really good malcolm in the middle episode on it. So, I was fairly happy about that. by that time I was feeling pretty good, so I took off the nasty sick clothes that I had been wearing since yesterday morning. I took a shower. The shower is something that really scares me when I have just been sick. One time when I was sick, I went to go take I shower because I thought the humidity would be good for me. Anyway, I remember that after the shower I reached out to get a towel, and felt all woozy and fell down, and hit my head on the door, and got a cut on it. (my head, not the door) Anyway, I don't think I was knocked out at all, but I was pretty freaked out, and I still couldn't see straight, so I didn't really know what to do. So, I ended up laying in the shower for about 15 minutes, and then stumbled to my mom and dad's bed (it was the closest) and collapsed on it. Normally when I can't see straight I go to find my reading glasses (which probably just screws up my sight in the long run, but o well) but I seriously couldn't see, so I just layed there for like 45 min soaking wet, then tryed to get up, and couldn't, and ended up taking a four hour nap. So, anyway (that was kinda off topic) that is why I am afraid of the shower when I am sick (actually kinda when I am not sick too). Anyway, I took a shower, and it was nice to not be stinky, and I put on my favorite sweater. And then my mom got home. I watched that 70's show (which my mom said is filthy). I enjoyed it though. . Actually my dad likes it too. We have this theory that whenever my mom enters the room any show will get bad. We could be watching cinderella, if my mom comes in the room prince charming is bound to start swearing and pull out a knife. I dunno why this is. My mom just always comes in at the worst time. she will come in for the one swear word of the entire movie. I think this is why she dislikes the simpsons so much. I used to use the excuse that they had college classes about the simpsons. But her comeback was always "they have college classes on pornography too, that doesn't make it right!" but now, our church has started a class called "the gospel according to the simpsons." unfortunatley it is only for adults, but I can still use it as an excuse to watch. Which is good. So, I am feeling much better, thanks for all the cards and flowers. Plus the candy and such. I should be out and about again tomorrow.

ok bye!


Quote o' da' day

- "Its the ultimate in poser technology. Just lock your feet in, and the board does all the work." "All the work?" "Ok, I will lift you onto the board" "Do it without the attitude, or don't do it at all!" -Homer Simpson and Tony Hawk (the simpsons - where would we be without you?)

"Man, I wish I were death again, that was cool" -Homer simpson

Current Mood: Winky (I didn't know that Winky was a mood, but I thought it was funny)

Currently Playing
Safety Dance-Remix
By Men Without Hats
see related


I got school off today! wooo! But unfortunatley there was no snow day. I ended up getting the stomach flu. That really kinda stinks. I think it might be because I prayed the following. "Please don't make me go to school tomorrow" instead of "Please cancel school tomorrow". Or it could just be that I consider soda to be a meal. Or the fact that I am addicted to gummy worms. Or maybe I undercooked my 5 minute eggs. Anyway, stomach flu is no fun at all, and there is nothing good on tv during the day time. These people came to clean our floors and I got kicked out of the family room, and I couldn't go to my room because it makes me feel sick (I dunno why), so I ended up sleeping in my brother's room all day. Didn't really do anything.

It's not a snow day, but its something.

ok bye!


Current Mood: sick (this one is actually supposed to be bummed, but it looked kinda sick)

P.S. just got me a trial run of the premium package, so I can put in pictures now! cool!

Sunday, January 25, 2004

forgot one more thing. quote of the day. Um....

"And I got off the plane, and fell down the ramp, put my cigarette back in my mouth, and met them at the gate" -this really cool medical missionary guy I met at church. (talking about life before conversion)

ok bye! (again)



I forgot one more thing. Phylis wanted me to tell you all that she had a planes, trains, and automobiles day. Ask me later.

ok bye!



I fogot to tell you what I was listening to,

The saftey dance, by the men without hats!

what a great song.

ok bye!


Hey everybody.

This has to be a first. I am writing about today. And by today, I actually mean today! So, today I woke up and got ready for church. But my dad said that he was feeling sick, so I called around and finally found a ride to church with my good buddy lisa. Lisa, You rock! Anyway, I got to church, and went to synago (small group, for all you non church goers) We had to do this warm up thing where we transport our entire group ten feet while only letting 4 body parts touch the ground. It was really cool, I got to ride on Steve's shoulders. I don't understand how that worked since I am not the lightest guy, but meh. That was cool. Plus there was krispy kreme. I was in heaven. And then, as if shoulders and doughnuts weren't enough, regi gave me two mountain dews. they were good. (especially after the coke I had for breakfast) Anywho, church felt good on the whole, and I got a ride home with jaimee. I got home, and decided I was hungry, so....... 5 MINUTE EGGS! and toast. By this time I am highly experienced with 5 minute eggs, so you can't laugh at me. Anyway, you wouldn't think an intelligent human could screw up toast, but it is possible. so, we had this homemade bread that mommy made, and I decided I would have some of that. Now, when I have toast, I don't really have TOAST. Let's just call it warm bread. Just heated enough so that it doesn't fall apart. Anyway, after the "toast" was done, I wanted to butter it. But the butter was really cold, so if I tried to spread it, I would rip the bread. So I got a cleaver idea. I decided to push down the toaster things and set the tub o' butter on top, and then it would be perfect. But then I thought to myself. "Well old boy, if you put the tub up there, the plastic is going to melt, put a paper towel under it." (this is why I have a fire extinguisher) Then I thought, "Jimbo, you dummy, that could be a potential fire hazard. And as funny as a small house fire would be to you people, it still wasn't a good idea." So I decided that I would put the tub on the very edge of the toaster. This seemed like a grand idea. So, I did that, and went to deal with my eggs. I came back and had a tub full of melted butter. It was like water, so I poured it on the toast. I burned my hands again trying to eat the eggs to quickly. Nothing was on tv, so I watched ernest goes to camp. Geez, I thought I knew what stupid was, until I watched that movie. There are these kids that are supposed to be hardcore gangstas but they are probably the fruitiest children I have ever seen. No offence to them, but boys do not wear belly button shirts ok? honestly. And then ernest accidentally got coned by this guy into selling the camp. So naturally he decided violence was the best way out, and attacked this big construction foreman guy. He got the snot beat of him. I thought it was quite funny. Anyway, then he fell in love with this indian goddess and stuff. Then I watched austin powers for the 5 time in 2 days. still a good film. anyway, I found out that in a couple of days I will be able to get a trial run on this new premium thingy, so I will be able to put pictures in my webposts. So you all can see what I see. heh. cool. neato. wow. it started snowing really hardcore, while I was making a second set of eggs. (once you have had your first 5 min egg, you can't stop) now it is really snowy out there, so I am praying for a snow day. Youth group was canceled , and it was really cold outside when i helped my dad get his car in. My mom got home from the airport. . She immediatley cleaned my bathroom (gosh my mom rocks). Then we had lasagna. it was good. And that was pretty much my day in general. Fairly enjoyable. Which brings me to my next point...... don't do drugs.

ok bye!


Current mood: I was looking for one that was praying for a snow day but couldn't find it so....

Hey, just an extra note about today. All of the people who read this wanted to know why I had to go across the room when my brother was reading his notes. It is because I probably would have made fun of him. Then the one person who reads this (I mean all the many people who read this) wanted to know why I would do such a mean thing. It is because I am normally the one that my dad and brothers gang up on. Which reminds me of another story. I thought it was funny. But it might be one of those things where you just had to be there. Or maybe I am just easily amused. My dad thinks that everybody in my family has a tape recorder thingy in their brain. Sometimes when we hear something, we have to wait, and play it back to ourselves with the tape recorder before we actually know what was said. So anyway, last night my brother and dad were making fun of me because I can't use my tape recorder. For example. John says, "Jim, want to go to dinner?" I say, "What?" and then while he is just about to repeat it, "O yes." So they think I am slow. Anyway, I can't disagree with them, but I did come up with a wicked good burn.

John: Jim, that really is sad

Jim: What?....... O SHUT UP!

anyway, like I said, might have needed to be there, but at least my dad thought it was funny.

ok bye!


Current mood - confused - was that funny or was it not?

writing about 1/24/04.
Anyway, nothing really happened today. My brother john came down and we worked on getting some of his old junk out of the basement. John really seems old when you see all of the junk he has. Like mix tapes, geez tapes are old. But, the good part about john cleaning out his stuff is, I get to keep what he doesn't want. I got a really old school key chain that says columbine rebels on it. To go with all my other old school school stuff. plus I got this lego tshirt from back in the day, when lego still made tshirts. I think john washed all the clothes before he put them in the boxes, cuz they smelled funny. I think they were wet when he put them in, so now they are just gross. I also got a bunch of tokens to fun plex, and I am going to go to fat city, and act dumb and complain about the machines not working. I also got a really big rubber band ball, and one of those books that is hollowed out to work as a secret hiding place. We found a bunch of old love notes that john got back when he was a master ladies man like I am now. He made me stand on the other side of the basement while he read them. I also got pogs (remember pogs, wow those are dumb) John took all of his comic book collection. We found some old desert storm trading cards, and marvel cards, and baseball cards and stuff. And I think if we sold them, we would all be rich. Like magic cards that are really old first addition thingies. We could sell those to some nerds and we would be living in style. I went through all of john's yearbooks and stuff. John had kept all the movie ticket stubs for the entire time he was in high school, it was cool. We were all hungry, so we went to la casana for dinner. It was good. They have these really salty chips and stuff. I had like 4 sodas. we watched a bug's life on tv and that was pretty much it. Sorry that I can't do something funny every day.
Since miller wasn't here today.... a quote from john
"this is a mix tape that I was supposed to give to Jim Pope when I was your age, but I liked it alot, so he never got it." or "this is a stub from the football game where matt and I got drunk. (mom wasn't happy about that)"
ok bye!
Current Mood: happy


Saturday, January 24, 2004

Currently Playing
By Trapt
see related

Hey everybody,

Today was cool (actually it was yesterday, I am a bit behind). Science was extremely hardcore today. We were doing this lab about how wells and underground rivers and stuff work. We had to get the most water in our wells without flooding the town and stuff. If I figure out how to put in the pictures, I will put one in. So, half of our group decided to build a dam/reservior thingy, and the other half decided to just go for it. So, half built while the other half poured a beaker of water into the box. Surprisingly enough the dam worked, (it was supposed to be underground so that the water could travel along it to the wells like pipes, but what the hey?) Anyway, we were quite pleased with our above ground well, and decided to test its strength. We dumped a whole beaker into the box at once. This broke the dam, and flooded the town (but hey, at least there was water in the wells). Anyway, now we had a flooded box, and nasty gray clay floating all over the place, it was kinda gross. There is another lab later in the book where you learn about polution by putting red food coloring in the water and seeing how it spreads and stuff. Well, Sam didn't know that this was a different lab, so he went to go get the food coloring. He thought the cap was one of those drippy dropper ones and only a few drops would come out. Well, he was wrong and ended up dumping like half the container of food coloring into the lake. So now we have a flooded town, empty wells, and a bloody lake. The water was already to wet to absorb any of the stuff in the lake, so we were going to have to wait for it to drain. Eventually we realized that it wasn't going to drain by the end of class, and even if it did, the sand would be dyed red. (meanwhile, all the other groups are filling up beakers with clean water from their wells) so, we get some of those mini turkey baster things. each one of us has two of them, so we have 8 little sucker things sucking up this red lake. We kept having to run back and forth to the sink because they were getting jammed with clay. Our box had become so nasty that you could jam a sucky thing into the clay, and it would fill up red without even squeezing. So, we got most of the red out, (kinda) but the clay hardened and our two well holes were stuck there perminantly unless we wetted the box down again. Meanwhile, we stuffed most of the clay into plastic bags which we would throw away after class. We actually made it out of class alive, surprisingly enough. But Miller (our science teacher greeted us in the hall by saying "nice job on the lab today guys" and scowling at us. So, that is my mishap story of the day. Plus, I am going to add a new part to my page. Mr. Miller's quote of the day. Miller says some crazy things, and I think you should read them. Thursday, his best quote was "If you go to southern CO, and say that you don't want pig poo in your water, you will probably be shot, and hung, and dragged behind four pickups." Today's quote wasn't that great (it wasn't a lecture day)

"Nice job on the science today guys."

Current Mood: laughing

ok bye!


Thursday, January 22, 2004

Currently Playing
Learning to Breathe
By Switchfoot
see related
- Dare you to move - -

so, this is my first post. I am not sure if I am doing this right at all, but eh, what are ya gunna do? Today was fairly uneventful. I decided last night that since it was thursday I was going to make myself eggs for breakfast. My mom told me that in order to cook 3 min eggs you needed to leave them in boiling water for 5 min. (darn elevation gets everybody confused) So, I woke up and realized that I really didn't have time to make eggs, but I was determined to make them anyway. So, I boiled the water, got the eggs ready, and all of that. But when the water started boiling I was afraid to put the egg in cuz I might toast my hand off, so I just dropped it in. So the egg broke open, and all of that egg stuff is oozing out into this really freakin hot water, and I am afraid that something horrible is going to happen (like the time I melted that pot on the stove). And as soon as the egg stuff comes out and hits the water it cooks, so now I have these weird egg chunky stringy things floating all over the place. So the next two eggs I put in with a spoon, that worked pretty well. I was feeling like a master chef again, it was good. so then, they had cooked for 5 min, so I had to take them out. I took em out with a spoon, and put them in a little bowl. Then I had to crack the shell with a spoon, so I could get to the yummy interior. So, this is were I made my next mistake. I picked up one of the eggs in my hand while it was still hot, and something about the egg made it stick to my hand, and I had to pry it off with the spoon. It was so hot that it didn't even feel hot, it actually felt really fricken cold. Eggs are weird that way. Anyway, then I was running late, so I had to have my dad give me a ride. So I got to school, and went to all my classes and such. Nothing really interesting happened. We did a short little skit in Intro to theater today, pretty cool, about how all teens are just mindless drones and school is just a flamboyant test of young people's will power and all that. Anyway, I installed elf bowling I, II, III, and super elf bowling on Barnhill's computer, hopefully those worked. (Barnhill is my spanish teacher if you didn't know that) Then I walked home with shreeman, and tried to find loopholes in his mom's authority and all of that stuff. All the ones we found failed miserably, so we ended up sitting on a curb halfway between his house and mine, and talking about how my dog likes to eat everything. Then I sat here for quite a while and did my math homework/talked to people. I told them about my deepest desires and all that. and I think I sort of looked like a wimp to some kids, but o well. I decided that I was going to try and get the cd burner to work again, because I have been lacking some good music for a while now. Um... watched regarding henry on an old cassette that I found laying around. Fairly good movie. Especially the ritz crackers. Gosh ritz crackers are good. Anyway, now I am not even saying anything worth reading, so I am going to stop.

ok bye!


Current Mood: bored