Anyway, nothing really happened today. My brother john came down and we worked on getting some of his old junk out of the basement. John really seems old when you see all of the junk he has. Like mix tapes, geez tapes are old. But, the good part about john cleaning out his stuff is, I get to keep what he doesn't want. I got a really old school key chain that says columbine rebels on it. To go with all my other old school school stuff. plus I got this lego tshirt from back in the day, when lego still made tshirts. I think john washed all the clothes before he put them in the boxes, cuz they smelled funny. I think they were wet when he put them in, so now they are just gross. I also got a bunch of tokens to fun plex, and I am going to go to fat city, and act dumb and complain about the machines not working. I also got a really big rubber band ball, and one of those books that is hollowed out to work as a secret hiding place. We found a bunch of old love notes that john got back when he was a master ladies man like I am now. He made me stand on the other side of the basement while he read them. I also got pogs (remember pogs, wow those are dumb) John took all of his comic book collection. We found some old desert storm trading cards, and marvel cards, and baseball cards and stuff. And I think if we sold them, we would all be rich. Like magic cards that are really old first addition thingies. We could sell those to some nerds and we would be living in style. I went through all of john's yearbooks and stuff. John had kept all the movie ticket stubs for the entire time he was in high school, it was cool. We were all hungry, so we went to la casana for dinner. It was good. They have these really salty chips and stuff. I had like 4 sodas. we watched a bug's life on tv and that was pretty much it. Sorry that I can't do something funny every day.
Since miller wasn't here today.... a quote from john
"this is a mix tape that I was supposed to give to Jim Pope when I was your age, but I liked it alot, so he never got it." or "this is a stub from the football game where matt and I got drunk. (mom wasn't happy about that)"
ok bye!
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